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تسجيل الدخول باستخدام حساب Microsoft
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اختر الحساب الذي تريد تسجيل الدخول باستخدامه.
عذراً. هذه المقالة غير متاحة بلغتك.


Consider the following scenario in Microsoft Skype for Business 2016:

  • You have a user who has an assigned location profile that uses normalization rules in Microsoft Skype for Business 2016.

  • After signing in to the Skype for Business client, the user experiences a network disconnection.

  • The client performs a recovery sign-in and reconnects.

After it reconnects, the client does not normalize phone numbers by using the normalization rules that are defined in their location profile.


During a recovery sign-in, certain information persists. This causes the request for a user's location profile to be skipped.


To fix this issue, install the October 6, 2020, update (KB4486669) for Microsoft Skype for Business 2016.

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بالضغط على "إرسال"، سيتم استخدام ملاحظاتك لتحسين منتجات Microsoft وخدماتها. سيتمكن مسؤول تكنولوجيا المعلومات لديك من جمع هذه البيانات. بيان الخصوصية.

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