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Správa souborů cookie v Prohlížeči Microsoft Edge: Zobrazení, povolení ...
V části Soubory cookie a uložená data vyberte Spravovat a odstranit soubory cookie a data webu > Zobrazit všechny soubory cookie a data webu a vyhledejte web, jehož soubory cookie chcete odstranit.
Platí pro: Microsoft Edge
Manage cookies in Microsoft Edge: View, allow, block, delete and use ...
Under Cookies and data stored, select Manage and delete cookies and site data > See all cookies and site data and search for the site whose cookies you want to delete. Select the down arrow to the right of the site whose cookies you want to delete and select Delete .
Platí pro: Microsoft Edge
Manage cookies in Microsoft Edge: View, allow, block, delete and use
Select Manage and delete cookies and site data and enable the toggle Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended) to allow all cookies.
Platí pro: Microsoft Edge
Odstranění souborů cookie v aplikaci Internet Explorer
Tento článek popisuje, jak odstranit soubory cookie z počítače. Můžete se rozhodnout, že nápovědu s asistencí odstraníte ze svého počítače, nebo můžete soubory cookie ze svého počítače odstranit ručně.
Spravovanie súborov cookie v prehliadači Microsoft Edge: Zobrazenie ...
Poznámka: Súbory cookie môžete odstrániť aj stlačením kombinácie klávesov CTRL +SHIFT + DELETE a následným vykonaním krokov 4 a 5. Všetky súbory cookie a iné údaje lokality sa odstránia pre vybratý časový rozsah.
Platí pro: Microsoft Edge
View and delete browser history in Microsoft Edge
Under Time range, choose a time range from the drop-down menu. Choose the types of browsing data you want to clear (see the table below for descriptions). For example, you may want to remove browsing history and cookies but keep passwords and form fill data. Select Clear now.
How to delete cookie files in Internet Explorer - Microsoft Support
This article describes how to delete cookie files from your computer. You can decide to have Guided Help delete the cookie files from your computer for you, or you can manually delete cookie files from your computer.
View cookies in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Open Edge browser, select Settings and more in the upper-right corner of your browser window. Select Settings > Cookies and site permissions. Select Manage and delete cookies and site data. Select See all cookies and site data to view all the cookies. Note: This topic is for the new Microsoft Edge . Get help for the legacy version of Microsoft ...
Microsoft Edge, browsing data, and privacy - Microsoft Support
To clear browsing info stored on your device, like saved passwords or cookies: In Microsoft Edge, select Settings and more > Settings > Privacy, search, and services . Under Clear browsing data, select Choose what to clear .
Description of Cookies - Microsoft Support
Select the Cookies check box, and then click Delete. For additional information about managing cookies in Internet Explorer 6, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: