Dieses Update behebt Sicherheitsrisiken in Microsoft Office, welche die Codeausführung von Remotestandorten aus ermöglichen können, wenn eine Office-Datei geöffnet wird, die sich im selben Netzwerkverzeichnis wie eine entsprechend manipulierte Bibliotheksdatei befindet.
Microsoft hat das Sicherheitsbulletin MS14-023 veröffentlicht. Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen dazu, wie Sie die in diesem Sicherheitsbulletin enthaltenen Updates erhalten:
Einzelne Benutzer, kleine Unternehmen und Organisationen verwenden das Windows-Feature zur automatischen Aktualisierung, um die Updates über Microsoft Update zu installieren. Lesen Sie hierzu Sicherheitsupdates automatisch laden auf der Website Microsoft Safety and Security Center.
IT-Experten konsultieren Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-023 auf der Security TechCenter-Website.
So erhalten Sie Hilfe und Unterstützung bei diesem Sicherheitsupdate
Hilfe beim Installieren von Updates: Support für Microsoft Update Sicherheitslösungen für IT-Profis: TechNet Security – Problembehandlung und Support Hilfe beim Schützen des Computers, auf dem Windows ausgeführt wird, vor Viren und Schadsoftware: Safety and Security Center Lokaler Support entsprechend Ihrem Land: Internationaler Support
Zusätzliche Informationen zu dem Sicherheitsupdate
Voraussetzungen für die Installation dieses Sicherheitsupdates
Um dieses Sicherheitsupdate anwenden zu können, muss Service Pack 1 für Office 2013 auf dem Computer installiert sein.
Sie müssen den Computer möglicherweise neu starten, nachdem Sie dieses Sicherheitsupdate installiert haben.warum Sie möglicherweise aufgefordert werden, Ihren Computer neu zu starten, nachdem Sie ein Sicherheitsupdate auf einem Windows-basierten Computer installiert haben.
In bestimmten Fällen ist nach der Installation dieses Updates kein Neustart erforderlich. Falls die benötigten Dateien gerade verwendet werden, muss jedoch ein Neustart durchgeführt werden. In diesem Fall werden Sie durch eine entsprechende Meldung aufgefordert, den Computer neu zu starten. Um die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu verringern, mit der ein Neustart erforderlich wird, beenden Sie alle betroffenen Dienste, und schließen Sie alle Anwendungen, die die betroffenen Dateien möglicherweise verwenden, bevor Sie das Sicherheitsupdate installieren. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unterInformationen zur Deinstallation
Hinweis Microsoft rät davon ab, Sicherheitsupdates zu entfernen.Informationen zur Möglichkeit, Office-Updates zu deinstallieren.
Verwenden Sie die Systemsteuerungsoption Software bzw. Programme und Funktionen, um das Sicherheitsupdate zu entfernen. Hinweis Wenn Sie dieses Sicherheitsupdate entfernen, werden Sie möglicherweise aufgefordert, den Microsoft Office-Datenträger einzulegen. Außerdem besteht unter Umständen nicht die Möglichkeit, das Sicherheitsupdate über die Option Software bzw. Programme und Funktionen in der Systemsteuerung zu deinstallieren. Für dieses Problem gibt es mehrere mögliche Ursachen. KurseErsetzte Sicherheitsupdates
Dieses Sicherheitsupdate ersetzt kein zuvor veröffentlichtes Sicherheitsupdate.
Die englische Version dieses Sicherheitsupdates weist die in der nachstehenden Tabelle aufgelisteten Dateiattribute (oder höher) auf. Datums- und Uhrzeitangaben für diese Dateien sind in der "Universal Time Coordinated" (UTC) angegeben. Wenn Sie die Dateiinformationen anzeigen, werden diese Angaben in die Ortszeit konvertiert. Den Unterschied zwischen UTC- und Ortszeit können Sie in der Systemsteuerung unter Datum und Uhrzeit mithilfe der Angaben auf der Registerkarte Zeitzone ermitteln.
Alle unterstützten x86-basierten Versionen der Office-Korrekturhilfen 2013
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Msgr3en.dll_1025 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
510,136 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_1025 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1026 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_1026 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1027 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:05 |
Msthes3.dll_1027 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:05 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1029 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_1029 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msgr3en.dll_1030 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
510,136 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msgr3en.lex_1030 |
26,098,660 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1030 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mssp3en.lex_1030 |
15.0.4525.1000 |
1,248,256 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msth3am.lex_1030 |
15.0.4525.1000 |
4,750,336 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_1030 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Css7cm.dub_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Css7data.dll_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
475,896 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Css7wre.dub_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msgr3en.dll_1031 |
15.0.4611.1000 |
2,203,824 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1031 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mssp3en.lex_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
4,425,728 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msth3am.lex_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,395,392 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_1031 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Nl7model.dll_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,439,160 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1032 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mssp3en.lex_1032 |
15.0.4569.1000 |
629,760 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msth3am.lex_1032 |
15.0.4569.1000 |
4,362,752 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_1032 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Css7cm.dub_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
4,096 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Css7data.dll_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
498,936 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Css7wre.dub_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
103,936 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Msgr3en.dll_1033 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
4,731,472 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1033 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Mso.acl_1033 |
37,762 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
1,357,824 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Mssp7.dub_1033 |
126 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Msth3am.lex_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
3,461,632 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Msthes3.dll_1033 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Nl7model.dll_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
5,793,528 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Css7cm.dub_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Css7data.dll_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
681,208 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Css7wre.dub_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msgr3en.dll_3082 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
2,024,032 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_3082 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mssp3en.lex_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
2,003,456 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msth3am.lex_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
4,241,920 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_3082 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Nl7model.dll_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,171,384 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1061 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mso.acl_1061 |
6,244 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msth3am.lex_1061 |
15.0.4569.1000 |
7,173,120 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_1061 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1069 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:05 |
Msgren32.dll_1035 | |
660,344 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msgr_en.lex_1035 |
4,780,099 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1035 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_1035 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Css7cm.dub_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Css7data.dll_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
676,088 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Css7wre.dub_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1036 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mssp3en.lex_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
1,784,832 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msth3am.lex_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
5,503,488 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_1036 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Nl7model.dll_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
5,658,360 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1110 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:05 |
Msthes3.dll_1037 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Msthes3.dll_1081 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:06 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1050 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Msthes3.dll_1050 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1038 | |
187,752 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1038 |
933,579 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Mssp3en.lex_1038 |
896,532 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Msspell3.dll_1038 | |
261,992 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Msth3am.lex_1038 |
3,687,193 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Msthes3.dll_1038 |
14, 0, 0, 3 |
246,120 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Css7data.dll_1040 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
170,128 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Msgr3en.dll_1040 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
510,136 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1040 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Msthes3.dll_1040 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Epaper1.dll_1041 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
44,136 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Msgr3en.dll_1041 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
286,800 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Epaper1.dll_1042 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
42,592 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Msgr3en.dll_1042 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
3,691,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Msspell3.dll_1042 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
100,944 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Twcutlkr.dll_1042 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
98,912 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Twlaykr.dll_1042 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
70,768 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1063 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Mso.acl_1063 |
8,376 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1063 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1062 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Mso.acl_1062 |
12,588 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1062 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:07 |
Css7data.dll_1044 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
170,152 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msgr3en.dll_1044 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
510,136 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1044 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msthes3.dll_1044 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msgren32.dll_1043 | |
613,000 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1043 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msthes3.dll_1043 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_2068 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:05 |
Mssp3en.lex_2068 |
15.0.4463.1000 |
1,053,184 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:05 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1045 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msthes3.dll_1045 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Css7data.dll_1046 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
170,176 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msgr3en.dll_1046 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
510,136 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msgr3en.lex_1046 |
6,862,160 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1046 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msthes3.dll_1046 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msgren32.dll_2070 | |
850,328 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_2070 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msthes3.dll_2070 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1048 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mso.acl_1048 |
41,728 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1048 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msgr3en.dll_1049 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
510,136 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msgr3en.lex_1049 |
8,084,872 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1049 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mssp3en.lex_1049 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
1,964,544 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msth3am.lex_1049 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,398,464 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msthes3.dll_1049 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1051 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msthes3.dll_1051 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1060 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mso.acl_1060 |
20,928 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1060 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_3098 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:05 |
Mso.acl_3098 |
10,498 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_3098 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:05 |
Mshy2_en.dll_2074 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mso.acl_2074 |
25,576 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_2074 |
15.0.4420.1017 |
926,720 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msthes3.dll_2074 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msgren32.dll_1053 | |
660,344 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msgr_en.lex_1053 |
9,668,353 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1053 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msthes3.dll_1053 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Msspell3.dll_1054 | |
321,624 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msgren32.dll_1055 | |
668,240 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1055 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Mso.acl_1055 |
2,810 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1055 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1058 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
185,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msthes3.dll_1058 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
290,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msgr3en.dll_2052 |
3.0.1711.0 |
115,432 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msgr3ge2.dll_2052 |
3.0.1711.0 |
115,432 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msgr3en.dll_1028 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
143,504 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Alle unterstützten x64-basierten Versionen der Office-Korrekturhilfen 2013
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Msgr3en.dll_1025 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
699,576 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msthes3.dll_1025 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1026 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1026 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1027 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1027 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:08 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1029 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1029 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msgr3en.dll_1030 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
699,576 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msgr3en.lex_1030 |
26,098,660 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1030 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1030 |
15.0.4525.1000 |
1,248,256 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Msth3am.lex_1030 |
15.0.4525.1000 |
4,750,336 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msthes3.dll_1030 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Css7cm.dub_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Css7data.dll_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
560,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Css7wre.dub_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msgr3en.dll_1031 |
15.0.4611.1000 |
2,523,312 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1031 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
4,425,728 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Msth3am.lex_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,395,392 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msthes3.dll_1031 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Nl7model.dll_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,439,160 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1032 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1032 |
15.0.4569.1000 |
629,760 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Msth3am.lex_1032 |
15.0.4569.1000 |
4,362,752 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msthes3.dll_1032 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Css7cm.dub_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
4,096 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Css7data.dll_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
586,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Css7wre.dub_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
103,936 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Msgr3en.dll_1033 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
5,308,496 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1033 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mso.acl_1033 |
37,762 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
1,357,824 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Mssp7.dub_1033 |
126 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Msth3am.lex_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
3,461,632 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Msthes3.dll_1033 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Nl7model.dll_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
5,793,528 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Css7cm.dub_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Css7data.dll_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
757,496 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Css7wre.dub_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msgr3en.dll_3082 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
2,297,936 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Mshy2_en.dll_3082 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
2,003,456 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Msth3am.lex_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
4,241,920 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msthes3.dll_3082 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Nl7model.dll_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,171,384 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1061 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mso.acl_1061 |
6,244 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msth3am.lex_1061 |
15.0.4569.1000 |
7,173,120 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Msthes3.dll_1061 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1069 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msgren32.dll_1035 | |
825,208 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Msgr_en.lex_1035 |
4,780,099 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1035 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1035 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Css7cm.dub_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Css7data.dll_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
754,936 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Css7wre.dub_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1036 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
1,784,832 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Msth3am.lex_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
5,503,488 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Msthes3.dll_1036 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Nl7model.dll_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
5,658,360 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1110 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1037 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Msthes3.dll_1081 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1050 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1050 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1038 | |
218,984 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1038 |
933,579 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1038 |
896,532 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Msspell3.dll_1038 | |
299,368 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Msth3am.lex_1038 |
3,687,193 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Msthes3.dll_1038 |
14, 0, 0, 3 |
299,880 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Css7data.dll_1040 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
243,856 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Msgr3en.dll_1040 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
699,576 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1040 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1040 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Epaper1.dll_1041 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
53,352 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Msgr3en.dll_1041 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
348,752 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:24 |
Epaper1.dll_1042 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
51,296 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Msgr3en.dll_1042 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
2,628,688 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Msspell3.dll_1042 |
15.0.4545.1000 |
117,416 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Twcutlkr.dll_1042 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
117,360 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Twlaykr.dll_1042 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
86,616 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1063 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mso.acl_1063 |
8,376 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1063 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1062 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mso.acl_1062 |
12,588 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1062 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:10 |
Css7data.dll_1044 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
243,896 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msgr3en.dll_1044 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
699,576 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1044 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1044 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msgren32.dll_1043 | |
743,048 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1043 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1043 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_2068 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_2068 |
15.0.4463.1000 |
1,053,184 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1045 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1045 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Css7data.dll_1046 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
243,888 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msgr3en.dll_1046 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
699,576 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msgr3en.lex_1046 |
6,862,160 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1046 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1046 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msgren32.dll_2070 | |
1,865,112 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_2070 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_2070 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1048 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mso.acl_1048 |
41,728 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1048 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msgr3en.dll_1049 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
699,576 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msgr3en.lex_1049 |
8,084,872 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1049 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1049 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
1,964,544 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Msth3am.lex_1049 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,398,464 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msthes3.dll_1049 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1051 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1051 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1060 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mso.acl_1060 |
20,928 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1060 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_3098 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mso.acl_3098 |
10,498 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_3098 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:09 |
Mshy2_en.dll_2074 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mso.acl_2074 |
25,576 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_2074 |
15.0.4420.1017 |
926,720 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:25 |
Msthes3.dll_2074 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msgren32.dll_1053 | |
825,208 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msgr_en.lex_1053 |
9,668,353 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1053 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1053 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msspell3.dll_1054 | |
343,640 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msgren32.dll_1055 | |
839,248 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1055 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mso.acl_1055 |
2,810 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1055 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1058 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
225,488 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1058 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
401,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:11 |
Msgr3en.dll_2052 |
3.0.1711.0 |
146,152 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:12 |
Msgr3ge2.dll_2052 |
3.0.1711.0 |
146,152 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:12 |
Msgr3en.dll_1028 |
15.0.4454.1000 |
168,592 |
26-Apr-2014 |
10:12 |
Alle unterstützten ARM-basierten Versionen der Office-Korrekturhilfen 2013
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Msgr3en.dll_1025 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
580,032 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.lex_1025 |
9,724,004 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1025 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
9,095,168 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1025 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1025 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,023,424 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1025 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1026 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1026 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
67,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1026 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
563,712 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1026 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1026 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,334,784 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1026 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1027 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1027 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
363,008 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp3en.lex_1027 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,360,896 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1027 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1027 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,990,144 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Msthes3.dll_1027 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1029 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1029 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
292,352 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1029 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,649,600 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1029 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1029 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,501,632 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1029 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.dll_1030 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
580,032 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.lex_1030 |
26,098,660 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1030 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1030 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,555,456 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1030 |
15.0.4525.1000 |
1,248,256 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1030 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1030 |
15.0.4525.1000 |
4,750,336 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1030 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7cm.dub_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7data.dll_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
533,800 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7wre.dub_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.dll_1031 |
15.0.4611.1000 |
1,993,568 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.lex_1031 |
10,241,847 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1031 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1031 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,558,528 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
4,425,728 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1031 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,395,392 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1031 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Nl7model.dll_1031 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,563,744 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1032 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1032 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
49,664 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1032 |
15.0.4569.1000 |
629,760 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1032 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1032 |
15.0.4569.1000 |
4,362,752 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1032 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7cm.dub_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
4,096 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Css7data.dll_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
558,888 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Css7wre.dub_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
103,936 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msgr3en.dll_1033 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
4,723,456 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msgr3en.lex_1033 |
3,788,603 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1033 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1033 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
475,648 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mso.acl_1033 |
37,762 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
1,357,824 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp7.dub_1033 |
126 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msth3am.lex_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
3,461,632 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msthes3.dll_1033 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Nl7model.dll_1033 |
15.0.4599.1000 |
5,906,808 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Css7cm.dub_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7data.dll_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
743,232 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7wre.dub_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.dll_3082 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,846,512 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.lex_3082 |
4,264,672 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_3082 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_3082 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
145,920 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
2,003,456 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_3082 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
4,241,920 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_3082 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Nl7model.dll_3082 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,291,280 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1061 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1061 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
233,984 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mso.acl_1061 |
6,244 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1061 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
682,496 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1061 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1061 |
15.0.4569.1000 |
7,173,120 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1061 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1069 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1069 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
195,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp3en.lex_1069 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
836,096 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1069 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1035 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1035 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
502,272 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1035 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,258,944 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1035 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1035 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
13,157,888 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1035 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7cm.dub_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7data.dll_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
741,176 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7wre.dub_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.dll_1036 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
10,959,976 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.lex_1036 |
25 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1036 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1036 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
278,528 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
1,784,832 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1036 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
5,503,488 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1036 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Nl7model.dll_1036 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
5,769,256 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1110 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1110 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
69,632 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp3en.lex_1110 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
423,936 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1110 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1095 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
202,240 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1095 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1037 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
4,594,688 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1037 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1037 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,921,536 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1037 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1081 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
164,352 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1081 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1081 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
563,712 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1081 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1050 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1050 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
124,928 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1050 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
613,888 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1050 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1050 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,555,328 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1050 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1038 | |
187,120 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1038 |
933,579 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1038 |
896,532 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msspell3.dll_1038 | |
272,040 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1038 |
3,687,193 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1038 |
14, 0, 0, 3 |
250,728 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msspell3.dll_1057 | |
625,904 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Css7cm.dub_1040 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7data.dll_1040 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
210,224 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7wre.dub_1040 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.dll_1040 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
580,032 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.lex_1040 |
690,756 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1040 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1040 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
275,968 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1040 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,840,640 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1040 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1040 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
5,701,120 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1040 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Nl7model.dll_1040 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
5,925,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Epaper1.dll_1041 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
55,408 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msgr3en.dll_1041 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
275,680 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Msgr3en.lex_1041 | |
2,572,288 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Nl7model.dll_1041 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
6,901,272 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1087 | |
71,424 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msspell3.dll_1087 | |
120,480 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1099 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
478,208 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1099 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Epaper1.dll_1042 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
52,840 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.dll_1042 |
15.0.4545.1000 |
2,129,912 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msspell3.dll_1042 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
107,408 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Twcutlkr.dll_1042 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
101,248 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Twlaykr.dll_1042 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
82,440 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1063 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1063 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
69,632 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mso.acl_1063 |
8,376 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1063 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,498,560 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1063 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1063 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,204,160 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1063 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1062 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1062 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
111,616 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mso.acl_1062 |
12,588 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1062 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,022,464 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1062 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1062 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
4,178,432 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1062 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1102 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
684,032 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1102 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msspell3.dll_2110 | |
232,520 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msspell3.dll_1086 | |
232,496 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Css7cm.dub_1044 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7data.dll_1044 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
210,272 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7wre.dub_1044 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.dll_1044 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
580,032 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.lex_1044 |
619,192 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1044 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1044 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,656,256 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1044 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,767,424 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1044 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1044 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,716,672 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1044 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Nl7model.dll_1044 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
5,304,448 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1043 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1043 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,476,608 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1043 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,442,304 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1043 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1043 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,668,032 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1043 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_2068 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mshy2_en.lex_2068 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,645,568 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp3en.lex_2068 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,053,184 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_2068 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1094 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
187,392 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1094 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1045 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1045 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
374,784 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1045 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,784,768 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1045 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1045 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
4,834,816 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1045 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7cm.dub_1046 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7data.dll_1046 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
210,280 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Css7wre.dub_1046 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.dll_1046 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
580,032 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.lex_1046 |
6,862,160 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1046 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1046 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
636,416 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1046 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,354,112 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1046 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1046 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,171,904 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1046 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Nl7model.dll_1046 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
5,562,872 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_2070 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_2070 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
837,120 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_2070 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,556,992 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_2070 |
1,664 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_2070 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,554,816 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_2070 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1048 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1048 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
195,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mso.acl_1048 |
41,728 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1048 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
659,456 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1048 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1048 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,059,264 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1048 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.dll_1049 |
15.0.4615.1000 |
580,032 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msgr3en.lex_1049 |
8,084,872 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1049 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1049 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
375,296 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1049 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
1,964,544 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1049 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1049 |
15.0.4567.1000 |
6,398,464 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1049 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1051 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1051 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
220,160 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1051 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,151,488 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1051 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1051 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,381,760 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1051 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1060 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1060 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
146,432 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mso.acl_1060 |
20,928 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1060 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
668,672 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1060 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1060 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,403,328 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1060 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_3098 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mshy2_en.lex_3098 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
146,432 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mso.acl_3098 |
10,498 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_3098 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
919,552 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_3098 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_3098 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,000,896 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Msthes3.dll_3098 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mshy2_en.dll_2074 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_2074 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
161,280 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mso.acl_2074 |
25,576 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_2074 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
926,720 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_2074 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_2074 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,001,408 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_2074 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1053 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1053 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,589,184 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1053 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
2,203,648 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp7.dub_1053 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msth3am.lex_1053 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
4,574,208 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Msthes3.dll_1053 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,960 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:26 |
Mssp3en.lex_1097 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
231,424 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1097 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mssp3en.lex_1098 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,114,112 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1098 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Msspell3.dll_1054 | |
363,776 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1055 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1055 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
391,168 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mso.acl_1055 |
2,810 |
25-Apr-2014 |
08:23 |
Mssp3en.lex_1055 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
835,072 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mssp7.dub_1055 |
1,720 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Msth3am.lex_1055 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
14,525,440 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Msthes3.dll_1055 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mshy2_en.dll_1058 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
253,368 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mshy2_en.lex_1058 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
374,784 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mssp3en.lex_1058 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
1,269,760 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mssp7.dub_1058 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Msth3am.lex_1058 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,121,664 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Msthes3.dll_1058 |
15.0.4609.1000 |
389,952 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mssp3en.lex_1056 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
170,496 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1056 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Mssp3en.lex_1066 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
37,376 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:25 |
Mssp7.dub_1066 |
16 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Msgr3en.dll_2052 |
3.0.1711.0 |
124,216 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Msgr3ge2.dll_2052 |
3.0.1711.0 |
124,216 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Nl7model.dll_2052 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
3,035,520 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
Msgr3en.dll_1028 |
15.0.4515.1000 |
147,528 |
26-Apr-2014 |
09:27 |
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