Dieses Sicherheitsupdate behebt ein vertraulich gemeldetes Sicherheitsrisiko in Windows. Dieses Sicherheitsrisiko kann Spoofing zulassen, wenn ein Angreifer, der bei einem in eine Domäne eingebundenen System angemeldet ist, eine speziell gestaltete Anwendung ausführt, die als der imitierte Benutzer bzw. das imitierte System eine Verbindung mit anderen in eine Domäne eingebundenen Systemen herstellt. Der Angreifer muss bei einem in eine Domäne eingebundenen System angemeldet sein, um den Netzwerkverkehr überwachen zu können.
Microsoft hat das Sicherheitsbulletin MS15-027 veröffentlicht. Weitere Informationen zu diesem Sicherheitsbulletin:
https://www.microsoft.com/security/pc-security/updates.aspxDetails überspringen: Laden Sie die Updates für Ihren Heimcomputer oder Laptop jetzt von der Microsoft Update-Website herunter:
So erhalten Sie Hilfe und Unterstützung bei diesem Sicherheitsupdate
Hilfe beim Installieren von Updates:Support für Microsoft Update Sicherheitslösungen für IT-Profis:TechNet Security – Problembehandlung und Support Schützen Sie Ihre Windows-basierten Computer vor Viren und Schadsoftware:Safety and Security Center Lokaler Support entsprechend Ihrem Land:Internationaler Support
Weitere Informationen
Bekannte Probleme bei diesem Sicherheitsupdate
Nach der Installation dieses Sicherheitsupdates ist es nicht möglich, auf Daten in EMC-Isilon-Clustern zuzugreifen.Technical and Security Advisories for Isilon OneFS. Betroffene Produkte Alle unterstützten Versionen von EMC Isilon OneFS. Hierzu zählen folgende Punkte:
Symptome Bei SMB/SMB2/SMB3-Clients können Fehler bei der Anmeldung bei einem EMC Isilon-Cluster auftreten, wenn sie sich unter Verwendung des Anbieters NTLMSSP (NT LAN Manager Security Support Provider) authentifizieren. In EMC Isislon-Clustern gespeicherte Daten sind für SMB/SMB2/SMB3-Clients nicht verfügbar. Dies führt zum Fehler "Daten nicht verfügbar". Authentifizierungsfehler können sich auch auf Clients auswirken, die über HTTP-basierte Protokolle, wie RAN, auf die Daten zuzugreifen versuchen. Ursache Dieses Problem tritt auf, wenn das Microsoft-Sicherheitsupdate MS15-027 auf einem Active Directory-Server installiert wurde, der Benutzer und Dienste authentifiziert, die auf ein EMC Isilon-Cluster zugreifen, und wenn NTLM zum Authentifizieren dieser Active Directory-Domänenbenutzer und -Dienste verwendet wird. Hinweis Die Authentifizierung bei einem EMC Isilon-Cluster über das Kerberos-Protokoll ist von diesem Problem nicht betroffen. Problemumgehung Verwenden Sie das Kerberos-Protokoll zur Authentifizierung von Active Directory-Domänenbenutzern, um dieses Problem zu umgehen. Weitere Informationen Neueste Informationen zum Status dieses Problems unter EMC Isilon OneFS finden Sie auf-
EMC Isilon OneFS 7.2.0.x
EMC Isilon OneFS 7.1.1.x
EMC Isilon OneFS 7.1.0.x
EMC Isilon OneFS 7.0.2.x
EMC Isilon OneFS 7.0.1.x
EMC Isilon OneFS 6.5.5.x
EMC Isilon OneFS 6.5.4.x
EMC Isilon OneFS 6.5.3.x
EMC Isilon OneFS 6.5.2.x
EMC Isilon OneFS 6.5.1.x
EMC Isilon OneFS 6.5.0.x
Die in diesem Artikel erörterten Produkte von Drittanbietern werden von Unternehmen hergestellt, die unabhängig von Microsoft sind. Microsoft übernimmt keinerlei Gewährleistung für die Leistung oder die Zuverlässigkeit dieser Produkte.
Windows Server 2003 (alle Editionen)Referenztabelle
Die folgende Tabelle enthält Informationen zu Sicherheitsupdates für diese Software.
Dateinamen der Sicherheitsupdates |
Alle unterstützten 32-Bit-Editionen von Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-ENU.exe |
Alle unterstützten x64-basierten Editionen von Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-ENU.exe |
Alle unterstützten Itanium-basierten Editionen von Windows Server 2003: WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-ia64-ENU.exe |
Installationsoptionen |
Updateprotokolldatei |
KB3002657.log |
Neustartanforderung |
Sie müssen das System neu starten, nachdem Sie dieses Sicherheitsupdate installiert haben. |
Informationen zur Deinstallation |
Verwenden Sie das Systemsteuerungsprogramm Software oder das Dienstprogramm "Spuninst.exe", das sich im Ordner "%Windir%\$NTUninstallKB3002657$\Spuninst" befindet. |
Dateiinformationen |
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt Dateiinformationen. |
Überprüfung des Registrierungsschlüssels |
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows Server 2003\SP3\KB3002657\Filelist |
Windows Server 2008 (alle Editionen)Referenztabelle
Die folgende Tabelle enthält Informationen zu Sicherheitsupdates für diese Software.
Dateinamen der Sicherheitsupdates |
Alle unterstützten 32-Bit-Editionen von Windows Server 2008: Windows6.0-KB3002657-x86.msu |
Alle unterstützten x64-basierten Editionen von Windows Server 2008: Windows6.0-KB3002657-x64.msu |
Alle unterstützten Itanium-basierten Editionen von Windows Server 2008: Windows6.0-KB3002657-ia64.msu |
Installationsoptionen |
Neustartanforderung |
Sie müssen das System neu starten, nachdem Sie dieses Sicherheitsupdate installiert haben. |
Informationen zur Deinstallation |
Das Entfernen von Updates wird von "WUSA.exe" nicht unterstützt. Zum Deinstallieren eines von WUSA installierten Updates klicken Sie auf Systemsteuerung und dann auf Sicherheit. Klicken Sie unter Windows Update auf Installierte Updates anzeigen, wählen Sie das gewünschte Update in der Liste aus. |
Dateiinformationen |
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt Dateiinformationen. |
Überprüfung des Registrierungsschlüssels |
Hinweis Es ist kein Registrierungsschlüssel vorhanden, der die Installation dieses Updates belegt. |
Windows Server 2008 R2 (alle Editionen)Referenztabelle
Die folgende Tabelle enthält Informationen zu Sicherheitsupdates für diese Software.
Dateiname des Sicherheitsupdates |
Alle unterstützten x64-basierten Editionen von Windows Server 2008 R2: Windows6.1-KB3002657-x64.msu |
Alle unterstützten Itanium-basierten Editionen von Windows Server 2008 R2: Windows6.1-KB3002657-ia64.msu |
Installationsoptionen |
Neustartanforderung |
Sie müssen das System neu starten, nachdem Sie dieses Sicherheitsupdate installiert haben. |
Informationen zur Deinstallation |
Zum Deinstallieren eines von WUSA installierten Updates verwenden Sie die Befehlszeilenoption /Uninstall, oder klicken Sie auf Systemsteuerung, auf System und Sicherheit und unter Windows Update auf Installierte Updates anzeigen. Wählen Sie dann das gewünschte Update aus der Liste aus. |
Dateiinformationen |
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt Dateiinformationen. |
Überprüfung des Registrierungsschlüssels |
Hinweis Es ist kein Registrierungsschlüssel vorhanden, der die Installation dieses Updates belegt. |
Windows Server 2012 und Windows Server 2012 R2 (alle Editionen)Referenztabelle
Die folgende Tabelle enthält Informationen zu Sicherheitsupdates für diese Software.
Dateiname des Sicherheitsupdates |
Alle unterstützten Editionen von Windows Server 2012: Windows8-RT-KB3002657-x64.msu |
Alle unterstützten Editionen von Windows Server 2012 R2: Windows8.1-KB3002657-x64.msu |
Installationsoptionen |
Neustartanforderung |
Sie müssen das System neu starten, nachdem Sie dieses Sicherheitsupdate installiert haben. |
Informationen zur Deinstallation |
Zum Deinstallieren eines von WUSA installierten Updates verwenden Sie die Befehlszeilenoption /Uninstall, oder klicken Sie auf Systemsteuerung, auf System und Sicherheit, auf Windows Update und unter Siehe auch auf Installierte Updates anzeigen. Wählen Sie dann das gewünschte Update aus der Liste aus. |
Dateiinformationen |
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt Dateiinformationen. |
Überprüfung des Registrierungsschlüssels |
Hinweis Es ist kein Registrierungsschlüssel vorhanden, der die Installation dieses Updates belegt. |
Die englische Version (USA) dieses Softwareupdates installiert Dateien mit den in der nachstehenden Tabelle aufgelisteten Attributen. Datums- und Uhrzeitangaben für diese Dateien sind in der "Universal Time Coordinated" (UTC) angegeben. Die Datums- und Uhrzeitangaben für diese Dateien werden auf Ihrem lokalen Computer in Ihrer Ortszeit und unter Berücksichtigung der Sommerzeit angegeben. Außerdem können sich die Datums- und Uhrzeitangaben ändern, wenn Sie bestimmte Vorgänge mit den Dateien ausführen.
Welche Dateien für bestimmte Meilensteine (SPn) und Servicebereiche (QFE, GDR) gelten, ist in den Spalten "SP-Anforderung" und "Servicebereich" angegeben.
GDR-Servicebereiche enthalten nur allgemein freigegebene Korrekturen für weit verbreitete, kritische Probleme. QFE-Servicebereiche enthalten zusätzlich zu den auf breiter Basis veröffentlichten Korrekturen Hotfixes.
Neben den in diesen Tabellen aufgeführten Dateien installiert das Softwareupdate außerdem die zugehörige Sicherheitskatalogdatei (KBNummer.cat), die mit einer digitalen Microsoft-Signatur versehen ist.
Alle unterstützten x64-basierten Versionen von Windows Server 2003
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
293,168 |
14-Mar-2015 |
01:08 |
x64 |
None |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
5.2.3790.5581 |
692,736 |
14-Mar-2015 |
01:05 |
x64 |
SP2 |
Wnetlogon.dll |
5.2.3790.5581 |
439,296 |
14-Mar-2015 |
01:05 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Alle unterstützten x86-basierten Versionen von Windows Server 2003
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
221,488 |
16-May-2014 |
02:15 |
x86 |
None |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
5.2.3790.5581 |
439,296 |
14-Mar-2015 |
00:58 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Alle unterstützten IA-64-basierten Versionen von Windows Server 2003
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
SP requirement |
Service branch |
Spuninst.exe | |
501,552 |
14-Mar-2015 |
01:08 |
IA-64 |
None |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
5.2.3790.5581 |
994,816 |
14-Mar-2015 |
01:05 |
IA-64 |
SP2 |
Wnetlogon.dll |
5.2.3790.5581 |
439,296 |
14-Mar-2015 |
01:05 |
x86 |
SP2 |
Welche Dateien für bestimmte Produkte, Meilensteine (SPn) und Servicebereiche (LDR, GDR) gelten, ist anhand der Dateiversionsnummern in der folgenden Tabelle zu erkennen:
6.0.6002.18 xxx
Windows Server 2008 SP2
6.0.6002.23 xxx
Windows Server 2008 SP2
GDR-Servicebereiche enthalten nur allgemein freigegebene Korrekturen für weit verbreitete, kritische Probleme. LDR-Servicebereiche enthalten zusätzlich zu den auf breiter Basis veröffentlichten Korrekturen Hotfixes.
Hinweis Die MANIFEST- (.manifest) und MUM-Dateien (.mum), die installiert werden, sind in der Liste nicht enthalten.
Alle unterstützten x86-basierten Versionen von Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:35 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
204,800 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:33 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:13 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
204,800 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:12 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:44 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
212,992 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:42 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:33 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
237,568 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:31 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:34 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
253,952 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:33 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:38 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
204,800 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:37 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:06 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
233,472 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:05 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:06 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
200,704 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:05 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:09 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
237,568 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:08 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:09 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
200,704 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:08 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:08 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,184 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:07 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:07 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,184 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:05 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:00 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
131,072 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:59 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:04 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
126,976 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:03 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:04 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
200,704 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:03 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:43 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,184 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:41 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:38 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,184 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:37 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:10 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,184 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:09 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
8,192 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:03 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
229,376 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:02 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:36 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
208,896 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:34 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:33 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
204,800 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:32 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:40 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
200,704 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:39 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:28 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
94,208 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:27 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:30 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
98,304 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:29 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.0.6002.19319 |
593,920 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:09 |
x86 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
03-Jan-2008 |
19:07 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.0.6002.23629 |
598,016 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:35 |
x86 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
07-May-2014 |
23:46 |
Not applicable |
Alle unterstützten x64-basierten Versionen von Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:10 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
194,048 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:08 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:48 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
194,560 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:46 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:18 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
203,776 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:16 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:09 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
227,840 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:07 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:14 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
244,224 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:12 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:31 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
194,560 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:30 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:50 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
222,720 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:49 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:17 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
192,512 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:15 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:15 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
227,840 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:14 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:13 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
193,024 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:12 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:18 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
211,968 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:17 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:21 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
212,992 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:19 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:36 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
123,392 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:35 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:05 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
118,272 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:04 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:15 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
189,952 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:14 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:18 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
210,944 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:17 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:42 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
213,504 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:16 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
212,480 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:14 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:44 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,696 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:42 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:39 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
200,192 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:38 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:13 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
196,096 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:12 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:23 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
191,488 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:21 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
4,096 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:12 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
85,504 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:10 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:42 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
88,064 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:41 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.0.6002.19319 |
717,824 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:51 |
x64 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
03-Jan-2008 |
18:12 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.0.6002.23629 |
722,432 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:27 |
x64 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
07-May-2014 |
23:46 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.0.6002.19319 |
593,920 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:09 |
x86 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
03-Jan-2008 |
19:07 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.0.6002.23629 |
598,016 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:35 |
x86 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
07-May-2014 |
23:46 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:35 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
204,800 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:33 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:13 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
204,800 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:12 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:44 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
212,992 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:42 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:33 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
237,568 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:31 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:34 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
253,952 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:33 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:38 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
204,800 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:37 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:06 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
233,472 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:05 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:06 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
200,704 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:05 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:09 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
237,568 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:08 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:09 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
200,704 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:08 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:08 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,184 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:07 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:07 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,184 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:05 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:00 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
131,072 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:59 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:04 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
126,976 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:03 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:04 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
200,704 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:03 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:43 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,184 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:41 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:38 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,184 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:37 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:10 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
221,184 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:09 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
8,192 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:03 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
229,376 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:02 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:36 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
208,896 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:34 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:33 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
204,800 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:32 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:40 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
200,704 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:39 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:28 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
94,208 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:27 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:30 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
98,304 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:29 |
Not applicable |
Alle unterstützten IA-64-basierten Versionen von Windows Server 2008
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:40 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
227,840 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:37 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:12 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
194,560 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:10 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:01 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
227,840 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:58 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:31 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
123,392 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:30 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:17 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
118,272 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:15 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
4,096 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:35 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
85,504 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:33 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:56 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
88,064 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:54 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.0.6002.19319 |
1,219,072 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:25 |
IA-64 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
03-Jan-2008 |
18:58 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.0.6002.23629 |
1,225,728 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:04 |
IA-64 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
07-May-2014 |
23:46 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.0.6002.19319 |
593,920 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:09 |
x86 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
03-Jan-2008 |
19:07 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.0.6002.23629 |
598,016 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:35 |
x86 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
07-May-2014 |
23:46 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:33 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
237,568 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:31 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:38 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
204,800 |
10-Feb-2015 |
01:37 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:09 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
237,568 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:08 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:00 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
131,072 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:59 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:04 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
126,976 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:03 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:28 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
94,208 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:27 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
07-May-2014 |
23:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:30 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.0.6002.23629 |
98,304 |
10-Feb-2015 |
02:29 |
Not applicable |
Welche Dateien für bestimmte Produkte, Meilensteine (RTM, SPn) und Servicebereiche (LDR, GDR) gelten, ist anhand der Dateiversionsnummern in der folgenden Tabelle zu erkennen:
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2
GDR-Servicebereiche enthalten nur allgemein freigegebene Korrekturen für weit verbreitete, kritische Probleme. LDR-Servicebereiche enthalten zusätzlich zu den auf breiter Basis veröffentlichten Korrekturen Hotfixes.
Hinweis Die MANIFEST- (.manifest) und MUM-Dateien (.mum), die installiert werden, sind in der Liste nicht enthalten.
Alle unterstützten x64-basierten Versionen von Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:49 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
197,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:38 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:49 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
197,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:47 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:40 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
207,360 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:38 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:45 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
231,936 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:34 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:50 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
247,808 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:47 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:17 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
197,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:17 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:40 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
226,816 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:48 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:49 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
196,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:47 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:33 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
231,936 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:42 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:49 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
197,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:46 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:49 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
215,040 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:37 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:50 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
216,576 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:48 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:45 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
125,952 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:43 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:45 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
120,320 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:35 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:49 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
193,024 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:47 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:40 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
215,552 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:47 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:49 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
217,088 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:39 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:40 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
215,552 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:38 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:49 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
225,792 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:48 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:40 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
203,776 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:38 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:41 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
199,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:48 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:41 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
194,560 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:39 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:34 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
86,528 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:32 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:44 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
89,088 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:33 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.1.7601.18759 |
696,320 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:02 |
x64 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
04-Jul-2013 |
12:17 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.1.7601.22966 |
706,560 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:25 |
x64 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
09-Jul-2013 |
06:25 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.1.7601.18759 |
565,760 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:51 |
x86 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
04-Jul-2013 |
12:16 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.1.7601.22966 |
573,440 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:12 |
x86 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
09-Jul-2013 |
06:14 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:38 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
197,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:36 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:28 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
197,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:26 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:38 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
207,360 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:26 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:25 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
231,936 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:23 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:30 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
247,808 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:38 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:04 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
197,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:03 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:33 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
226,816 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:31 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:28 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
196,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:36 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:34 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
231,936 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:33 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:39 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
197,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:37 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:29 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
215,040 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:37 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:40 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
216,576 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:37 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:24 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
125,952 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:31 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:26 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
120,320 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:31 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:29 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
193,024 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:37 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:28 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
215,552 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:26 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:28 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
217,088 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:26 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:34 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
215,552 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:32 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:29 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
225,792 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:36 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:38 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
203,776 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:28 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:29 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
199,168 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:27 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,656 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:30 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
194,560 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:36 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:34 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
86,528 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:32 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:33 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
89,088 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:31 |
Not applicable |
Alle unterstützten IA-64-basierten Versionen von Windows Server 2008 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:25 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
231,936 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:28 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:45 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
197,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:44 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:29 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
231,936 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:26 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:26 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
125,952 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:27 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:29 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
120,320 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:26 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:25 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
86,528 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:27 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:25 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
89,088 |
10-Feb-2015 |
06:27 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.1.7601.18759 |
1,153,024 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:56 |
IA-64 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
04-Jul-2013 |
12:23 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.1.7601.22966 |
1,169,408 |
10-Feb-2015 |
03:50 |
IA-64 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
09-Jul-2013 |
06:20 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.1.7601.18759 |
565,760 |
10-Feb-2015 |
04:51 |
x86 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
04-Jul-2013 |
12:16 |
Not applicable |
Netlogon.dll |
6.1.7601.22966 |
573,440 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:12 |
x86 |
Nlsvc.mof |
Not applicable |
2,873 |
09-Jul-2013 |
06:14 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:25 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
231,936 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:23 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
6,144 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:04 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
197,632 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:03 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
7,680 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:34 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
231,936 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:33 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:24 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
125,952 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:31 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
5,120 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:26 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
120,320 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:31 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:34 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
86,528 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:32 |
Not applicable |
Bootfix.bin |
Not applicable |
1,024 |
09-Jul-2013 |
05:41 |
Not applicable |
Expand.exe.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
4,608 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:33 |
Not applicable |
Netmsg.dll.mui |
6.1.7601.22966 |
89,088 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:31 |
Not applicable |
Welche Dateien für bestimmte Produkte, Meilensteine (RTM, SPn) und Servicebereiche (LDR, GDR) gelten, ist anhand der Dateiversionsnummern in der folgenden Tabelle zu erkennen:
6.2.920 0.16 xxx
Windows Server 2012
6.2.920 0.20 xxx
Windows Server 2012
GDR-Servicebereiche enthalten nur allgemein freigegebene Korrekturen für weit verbreitete, kritische Probleme. LDR-Servicebereiche enthalten zusätzlich zu den auf breiter Basis veröffentlichten Korrekturen Hotfixes.
Hinweis Die MANIFEST- (.manifest) und MUM-Dateien (.mum), die installiert werden, sind in der Liste nicht enthalten.
Alle unterstützten x64-basierten Versionen von Windows Server 2012
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Netlogon.dll |
6.2.9200.17273 |
745,984 |
10-Feb-2015 |
07:25 |
x64 |
Netlogon.dll |
6.2.9200.21391 |
746,496 |
09-Feb-2015 |
23:45 |
x64 |
Netlogon.dll |
6.2.9200.17273 |
635,904 |
10-Feb-2015 |
05:26 |
x86 |
Netlogon.dll |
6.2.9200.21391 |
635,904 |
09-Feb-2015 |
23:51 |
x86 |
Alle unterstützten x64-basierten Versionen von Windows Server 2012 R2
File name |
File version |
File size |
Date |
Time |
Platform |
Netlogon.dll |
6.3.9600.17678 |
839,168 |
09-Feb-2015 |
23:20 |
x64 |
Netlogon.dll |
6.3.9600.17678 |
697,856 |
09-Feb-2015 |
23:20 |
x86 |
File name |
SHA1 hash |
SHA256 hash |
Windows6.0-KB3002657-ia64.msu |
903209213F132109023B9C22C87F5ACA248DD212 |
CFB61C966AB81844D779D2709599B7DBAB4023113A661BA0D3F08382F031924B |
Windows6.0-KB3002657-ia64.msu |
AED038E64D01AAA67D3C718CFA8E60DCA5B7AF12 |
D1FE3681C2FE7271142ED455CC499F453DE9DB55D2366EF929AE402254F6196C |
Windows6.0-KB3002657-x64.msu |
6157ACB244A48BBEF96A6393A2B1E7949EC3ACA0 |
7CF621494510A33FB147A1F31861D7068C22C69B1584F11022E90EA3B3F29485 |
Windows6.0-KB3002657-x64.msu |
6571786C36749C41B2ABD898CDC1A2A1A04C0D0F |
464ACFA0AD013285D4A4ED923DFB73E019E806052801B89C337D5E15C8952815 |
Windows6.0-KB3002657-x86.msu |
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C579281A479653EC79611A0723C7B9B9DACA3D4B7ADC6242ABBD699214064EA9 |
Windows6.0-KB3002657-x86.msu |
32E2A77529716EE0427759937BA2A2FEF847AE63 |
F19E911831D0252C6406A9BF144EC5BBCDA9A787F520431160227931B04E788D |
Windows6.1-KB3002657-ia64.msu |
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Windows6.1-KB3002657-ia64.msu |
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Windows6.1-KB3002657-x64.msu |
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Windows6.1-KB3002657-x64.msu |
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Windows6.1-KB3002657-x86.msu |
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Windows6.1-KB3002657-x86.msu |
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Windows8.1-KB3002657-x64.msu |
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Windows8.1-KB3002657-x64.msu |
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Windows8.1-KB3002657-x86.msu |
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Windows8.1-KB3002657-x86.msu |
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Windows8-RT-KB3002657-x64.msu |
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Windows8-RT-KB3002657-x86.msu |
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Windows8-RT-KB3002657-x86.msu |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-ia64-DEU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-ia64-DEU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-ia64-ENU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-ia64-ENU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-ia64-FRA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-ia64-FRA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-ia64-JPN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-ia64-JPN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-CHS.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-CHS.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-CHT.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-CHT.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-DEU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-DEU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-ENU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-ENU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-ESN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-ESN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-FRA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-FRA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-ITA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-ITA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-JPN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-JPN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-KOR.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-KOR.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-PTB.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-PTB.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-RUS.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x64-RUS.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-CHS.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-CHS.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-CHT.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-CHT.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-CSY.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-CSY.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-DEU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-DEU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-ENU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-ENU.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-ESN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-ESN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-FRA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-FRA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-HUN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-HUN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-ITA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-ITA.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-JPN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-JPN.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-KOR.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-KOR.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-NLD.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-NLD.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-PLK.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-PLK.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-PTB.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-PTB.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-PTG.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-PTG.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-RUS.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-RUS.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-SVE.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-SVE.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-TRK.exe |
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WindowsServer2003-KB3002657-x86-TRK.exe |
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