Frequently asked questions about Microsoft Forms
Tip: Learn more about Microsoft Forms or get started right away and create a survey, quiz, or poll. Want more advanced branding, question types, and data analysis? Try Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.
For answers to broad FAQs about Microsoft Forms, choose any of the topics below.
Are Dynamics 365 Customer Voice and Forms Pro the same thing?
Can someone without a Microsoft account take my survey or quiz?
Which platforms work with Microsoft Forms?
Which web browsers work with Microsoft Forms?
Is Microsoft Forms available for desktop and mobile?
Languages supported by Microsoft Forms
How do I translate my form into another language?
Does Microsoft Forms replace InfoPath?
Answers about everyday use of Microsoft Forms
To find detailed information about how do specific things with Microsoft Forms for your classroom, small business, or other organization, see Forms basics.
You can learn more by going to Microsoft Forms help & learning and then selecting Get started. From there, you can find info about how to share and collaborate, format, integrate Microsoft Forms with other Microsoft 365 products, and get more details about administrator tasks.
Information for specialized uses of Microsoft Forms
If you use Microsoft Forms in an administrative, GCC, or GDPR role, or if you have questions about privacy and compliance, look into these resources.
Send feedback about Microsoft Forms
We'd love to hear from you. Let us know what's working well, if there is an issue with Forms, or if you have ideas about new functionality that would improve your experience. Your feedback goes directly to our product team and helps us shape the future of Forms for customers around the world.
To send feedback about Forms, go to the upper right corner of your form and select More form settings … > Feedback.