Video: Edit headers and footers for handouts
Applies To
PowerPoint 2013
Learn how to add headers and footers to your presentation handouts in PowerPoint, and how to change their look or position on the page.
Delete the header and footer
Click VIEW > Normal.
Click INSERT > Header & Footer.
In the Header and Footer box, click the Notes and Handouts tab, uncheck the boxes for the options you want to delete from the header or footer, and click Apply to All.
These changes don’t affect the headers or footers on the slides themselves — just the notes and handouts. To change the headers and footers on the slides themselves, see Change or delete the footer on your slides.
Want more?
Add a header or footer to your handouts or notes pages
Change, delete, or hide headers and footers on slides, notes, and handouts
Create and print speaker notes
Before you print your handout, be sure to check the headers and footers, the small print at the top and bottom of the page.
Let's Zoom In for a better view.
This layout automatically includes the current date, at the top on the right.
And a page number, at the bottom on the right.
To change these details or to add header and footer text, you click this link, Edit Header & Footer, at the bottom of the print view.
In the dialog box, to change the date settings, check Date and time.
Then, choose a different format for the date, if you want.
If you didn't want the date to update automatically, you could check Fixed.
Next, to add a text header, check Header and type your text. I'll type the company name.
Notice how when the Header box is checked, the header placeholder in the preview turns bold, indicating that the header will appear on the page.
For the text footer, I'll check Footer and type in the company's web address.
Then, to apply these settings to all the handout pages, I'll click Apply to All.
I see the new date format is applied.
The company name appears as a header and, for the text footer, there is the web address.
I'll zoom back out.
Now, if you want to remove headers or footers from the handout, you click Edit Header & Footer, and follow these steps: For the header or footer text, leave the box selected, but delete the text, and click Apply to All.
That removes header and footer text.
To hide the date, display the dialog box, select Fixed, delete the date there, and click Apply to All.
That removes the date from the handout.
For now, we want headers and footers, and we are ready to print the handout.
For more details about working with headers and footers in a handout, see the course summary at the end of this course.
Up next: Use Notes Pages for a handout.