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Mengubah mesin pencarian default di Microsoft Edge
Mempertahankan Bing sebagai mesin pencarian default Anda memberikan pengalaman pencarian yang disempurnakan di Microsoft Edge baru , termasuk tautan langsung ke aplikasi Windows, saran yang relevan dari organisasi jika Anda masuk dengan akun kerja atau sekolah, dan jawaban langsung atas pertanyaan tentang Windows.Namun, Anda dapat mengubah mesin pencarian default ke situs apa pun yang ...
Change your default search engine in Microsoft Edge
Keeping Bing as your default search engine provides an enhanced search experience in the new Microsoft Edge , including direct links to Windows apps, relevant suggestions from your organization if you’re signed in with a work or school account, and instant answers to questions about Windows.However, you can change the default search engine to any site that uses OpenSearch technology.
Access your textbooks virtually in Edge - Microsoft Support
Edge gives you new ways to find stuff on the web, annotate webpages, and get help from Cortana. And now, Edge makes reading, annotating, and taking notes on your school textbooks a whole lot easier. Opening textbooks in Edge To get started reading in Edge, select the hub icon in your Edge browser, then select Books from the sidebar.
Оновлення до нового Microsoft Edge - Підтримка від Microsoft
Microsoft Edge пропонує перегляд у режимі приватності InPrivate, який дає змогу приховати журнал браузера, дані сайтів і форм, файли cookie та паролі від інших користувачів того самого пристрою.
Zobrazenie súborov cookie v prehliadači Microsoft Edge
Ak chcete zobraziť všetky súbory cookie, vyberte položku Zobraziť všetky súbory cookie a údaje lokality . Poznámka: Táto téma je pre novú verziu prehliadača Microsoft Edge . Získajte pomoc so staršou verziou prehliadača Microsoft Edge .
Description of Cookies - Microsoft Support
283185 How to Manage Cookies in Internet Explorer 6 Persistent Cookies vs. Session Cookies. Cookies are either stored in memory (session cookies) or placed on your hard disk (persistent cookies). Persistent cookies are written to the Cookies folder under either your user profile folder or the Windir\Cookies folder. The Temporary Internet Files ...
Trợ năng với Microsoft Edge mới - Hỗ trợ của Microsoft
Microsoft Edge mới cũng đi kèm với nhiều phím tắt mới. Hãy xem danh sách bên dưới để biết thêm một số phím tắt mới. Để có danh sách đầy đủ các phím tắt dành cho Microsoft Edge, hãy xem Phím tắt trong Microsoft Edge. Để gửi phản hồi hoặc báo cáo sự cố, nhấn Alt+Shift+I.
Learn about security features in Microsoft Edge
In addition, we offer a free, built-in, password management experience within Edge. Users’ saved passwords are encrypted and checked against a known repository of exposed credentials, with users alerted if a match is found. Approximately 53% of all Edge users have been alerted to at least one exposed password with Edge.
Προβολή ή διαγραφή του ιστορικού προγράμματος περιήγησης στον Microsoft ...
Απαλοιφή των δεδομένων περιήγησης του Internet Explorer με χρήση του Microsoft Edge. Χρησιμοποιώντας τον Microsoft Edge, μπορείτε να απαλείψετε όλα τα δεδομένα περιήγησης από τον Internet Explorer.
Změna domovské stránky ve vašem prohlížeči - Podpora Microsoftu
Na kartě Obecné zadejte do pole v části Domovská stránka adresu URL webu, který chcete nastavit jako domovskou stránku. Můžete přidat více adres URL. Případně, pokud chcete přidat web, který právě prohlížíte, vyberte Použít aktuální.Pokud přidáte více adres URL, vložte každou z nich na samostatný řádek.