The meeting review card is available to both managers and non-managers. The card has two faces: Meetings you organized; and Meetings you’re attending. The Meetings you organized side presents opportunities to improve meeting time for your colleagues, and the Meetings you’re attending side presents opportunities to improve meeting time for yourself.  

Screenshot that shows the meeting review card in Viva Insights.

Meetings you organized 

This side of the card shows a list of recurring large or long meetings that you’ve organized. These meetings will have the biggest impact if you make even a small change. You can find useful insights about a meeting series based on prior meetings in the series, or you can review or edit the meeting. 

Cost of meetings

The card shows the estimated cost of each meeting and the total cost of meetings remaining in the list that have not been edited or marked as reviewed. Meeting cost is based on the number of hours (per month, if it’s a series) the meeting is scheduled to take. Number of hours is calculated from the meeting’s scheduled duration, number of attendees who have not declined, and frequency of recurrence.  

The currency cost of meetings is converted from the number of hours using a flat rate. You can change the rate and units used in your Viva Insights settings, under the Meeting Effectiveness tab. Changes you make here will only affect how the cost is displayed in your own card. 

Meeting insights 

Select a row for a meeting to see more information about the insights. These insights can help you improve or streamline the meeting, including feedback from the meeting effectiveness survey, RSVP rates, historical multitasking and late joins, and basic attributes of the meeting itself, like whether it's a very large meeting, interrupts quiet hours for required invitees, or is an aging series that should be re-evaluated. 

Reviewing meetings 

By default, meetings start with a "not reviewed" status. If a meeting is already set the way you want it, select Mark as reviewed. When the card refreshes, meetings with the Reviewed status will be sorted below Not reviewed meetings, making room for meetings that need your attention.  

As you make changes to your meetings or select Mark as reviewed, the summary of meeting time needing review at the top of the card will decrease. This value can be displayed as hours or a currency, and you can configure the conversion rate in your settings. The conversion to currency does not use any individual or group’s pay information. 

Editing meetings 

There are a few ways to edit meetings. You can cancel a meeting, reduce the frequency, or shorten the meeting. The meeting review card offers smart options for making meetings shorter or less frequent based on the meeting’s current settings. You can also open the meeting invitation to adjust the invitees, add an agenda, or make other changes. 

Meetings you’re attending 

This side of the card shows a list of large or long meetings that you’ve not declined. The insights for these meetings can help you decide if the meeting is a good use of time, or if it offers a chance to attend asynchronously or catch up later. You can mark a meeting as reviewed, decline a meeting, or follow a meeting from the card. 

Following meetings 

Following a meeting is a useful RSVP choice when it’s not possible to attend a meeting in real time, but you still want to stay in the loop and tell the organizer you’re interested in the meeting content. RSVPing as "Following" will mark the time on your calendar as free, but you still have access to the meeting chat, recording, and notes. It will also let the organizer know that you’re following the meeting, and give the organizer helpful nudges - like reminding them that they might want to record the session.  

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