Service Update 7 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 9.0.2 is now available. This article describes the hotfixes and updates that are included in Service Update 7.
Please note that our naming conventions have changed to clarify the link between the version number and service update. For example, Service Update 7 will correspond to version number 07XX. Occasionally a Service Update will be canceled and all the associated fixes will be rolled into the next Service Update, thus Service Update numbers will not always increase incrementally.
Update Package |
Build Number |
Service Update 7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 9.0.2 | (or higher) |
To determine whether your organization had this update applied, check your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online version number. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and then click About.
Service Update 7 resolves the following issues:
Performance Improvements
The following list details issues whose resolutions improve the speed or functionality of Dynamics.
Subgrid column headers do not align with data
Column headers and data become misaligned when there are enough columns to require horizontal scrolling
Updating a field description as "Recommended to prefix the number with "+<Country Code>" and Phone Number" causes incorrect form rendering
After upgrading from 8.2 to 9.0, long field descriptions will get cut off when hovering over the field to view the ToolTip
The Quick Create form displays redundant empty lines if there are a just a few fields on the form
Incorrect values are displayed in the Sales Pipeline chart
Exchange cards only work on the Inbox folder and main folders instead of also on subfolders
Load times on the webresource IO and UCI metadata checks have been reduced
Unexpected Behavior
The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions performed in Dynamics that do not work as intended.
Tiles pinned to different pages open on the page that was last saved
Tracked contacts in the Outlook MailApp create contacts in Dynamics even if required fields are missing
View results shown on a chart column bar do not match with the count shown on the chart because they are not considering the “First Day of Week” setting in Dynamics 365
In the Dynamics 365 for Outlook App, "Look for Records" shows all entities present within the organization rather than only the entities provided in the App for Outlook
Business Process Flows disappear when MoveNext is set to 2nd stage
Deactivated mailboxes send outgoing mail
Forms close without saving when a user selects Save and Close with a form set to validate data before saving
Selecting From within an email does not open the record and instead matches the address to an existing contact
Installing Federation Services overwrites changes to out of box roles
The "Date Fulfilled" autofill uses the current date as the default when using the Fulfill Order function even when another date is specified
When the user selects the Esc key in a field with the “Currency” type, the system adds “,00”
The Workflow uninstaller deletes roles for all workflow types instead of just Business Process Flows
Orphan Active Workflow Records are erroneously created when a user imports a new version of an existing solution
Associated Knowledge Records expands every time a user opens any case record
Repaired Functionality
The following list details issues whose resolutions repair items in Dynamics that are not functioning.
Case origin code is not available when using Advanced Find and cannot be added
jQuery events don't work when ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx is imported as part of a script tag in a HTML webresource
Hiding a tab (unchecking Visible by Default) will not hide the first tab
The help link does not work intermittently on CRM Online
Scroll function for posts will not scroll to show all posts after 3-4 posts
Grid records do not refresh when the view selector is changed
Changing a value in an editable grid field in Internet Explorer 11 and pressing enter does not save the value
Popped out forms will not close via the X in the upper right
When updating a Web Resource, users do not see the updated Web Resource on the form immediately
Anonymous users cannot access web forms that contain an entity id in the URL
ClientGlobalContext is not accessible from the HTML web resource if the resource is accessed from an external domain
The Activate Quote button is not functional
User is unable to publish customizations after choosing the Sitemap Areas to be displayed for an entity
When attempting to email an article, the body of the email does not show the article
When a user selects Parent and Child request settings, the attributes for the case settings do not display
Business rules are not saving the value for Days
Change tracking is erroneously allowed for entities with no version number
Error Messages, Exceptions, and Failures
The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions that produce errors, unhandled exceptions, or system or component failures
Editing the Product or Quote subgrid produces a script error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined"
Deleted forms within an account cause an error when trying to open any account
Workflows in a waiting state intermittently display an "Unhandled Exception" error
Users are getting a “Query Builder Error” when trying to set the Contact value on the Case form
A JavaScript error is shown when navigating to Outlook dialogs directly
An error is displayed when a security roll has no Read privilege on
A "Timeline Unexpected" error occurs intermittently when opening case records
Unrecognized GUID format when activating Business Process Flows (BPF)
Accessing Appropriation solution 2.0 from the menu produces: "Error Loading Form for Unified Inteface App"
Using advanced search on contacts produces the error: “To use this saved view, you must remove criteria and columns that refer to the deleted or non-searchable items”
Opening a work order produces an error when switching tabs in the Social pane
When a user with a security role that has no Read privilege for Queue attempts to close a record, a permissions error occurs and the record does not close
TBX calls publish in all instances causing a failure when updating a TBX through a managed solution