How to spot a "fake order" scam - Microsoft Support
In order to cancel the fake order, you'll either have to click a link or call them on the telephone. Either way, the ultimate goal of the scammers is to get you to give them some personal information. They'll claim it's for the purposes of canceling the fake order.
.NET 8.0 Update - January 14, 2025 (KB5050525) - Microsoft Support
NET 8.0 has been refreshed with the latest update as of January 14, 2025. This update contains both security and non-security fixes. See the release notes for details on updated packages. .NET 8.0 servicing updates are upgrades. The latest servicing update for 8.0 will remove the previous 8.0 update upon successful installation.
January 14, 2025-KB5049615 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and ...
File information. For a list of the files that are provided in this update, download the file information for cumulative update.. Prerequisites. To apply this update, you must have .NET Framework 3.5 or 4.8 installed.
Block pop-ups in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
There are many different types of pop-ups, including advertisements, notices, offers, or alerts that can appear at various times on any web page. Some can be helpful, such as when a bank website displays your monthly statement in a pop-up window.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
January 28, 2025-KB5050577 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and ...
There are no new security improvements in this release. This update is cumulative and contains all previously released security improvements. Quality and Reliability Improvements. - Addresses an issue with printing large number of pages due to an OutOfMemory exception.
January 2025 updates for Microsoft Office - Microsoft Support
Microsoft released the following security and nonsecurity updates for Office in January 2025. These updates are intended to help our customers keep their computers up to date. We recommend that you install all updates that apply to you.
Automate notetaking in Microsoft Teams meetings
In Teams meetings, AI-generated notes keep your meetings organized and effective with automated notetaking based on the discussion during the meeting that everyone can edit and add to, along with follow-up tasks and actions that everyone can see.
January 28, 2025—KB5050094 (OS Build 26100.3037) Preview
We’re aware of an issue where players on Arm devices are unable to download and play Roblox via the Microsoft Store on Windows. Following the installation of the October 2024 security update, some customers report that the OpenSSH (Open Secure Shell) service fails to start, preventing SSH connections.
Microsoft account recovery code - Microsoft Support
Go to the Manage how I sign in page of your Microsoft account Security dashboard by selecting the button below. Manage how I sign in. Scroll down to the Recovery code section and select Generate a new code. Caution: As soon as you create a new recovery code, any previous codes will no longer work.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
January 14, 2025-KB5049622 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and ...
To get the standalone package for this update, go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website. File information. For a list of the files that are provided in this update, download the file information for cumulative update. To apply this update, you must have .NET Framework 3.5 or 4.8.1 installed.