All about the Xbox Accessories app | Xbox Support
To use the app on your console, make sure that your accessory is connected, and then:
Update your Xbox Wireless Controller
Keeping your controller updated with the latest software maximizes your controller's capabilities and compatibility. You can update your controller wirelessly, with a USB connection, or on a PC using the Xbox Accessories app.
查找并锁定丢失的 Windows 设备 - Microsoft 支持
远程锁定 Windows 设备. 在地图上找到设备后,依次选择“锁定”>“下一步”。 设备锁定之后,你可以重置密码以增强安全性。 有关密码的详细信息,请参阅更改或重置 Windows 密码。. 需要更多帮助吗?
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Subscriptions & billing | Xbox Support
Get more information about managing your Xbox subscriptions, issues with billing, and more.
Windows 的产品激活 - 联机和支持电话号码 - Microsoft 支持
要使用 Internet 连接激活 Windows 11,请: 由于 Windows 11 将在用户连接到 Internet 时自动激活,因此可通过选择“开始” >“设置” >“更新和安全” >“激活”,并在“Windows”下面查看来确认激活状态。 如果联机激活失败,请首先尝试 激活 Windows 中的激活疑难解答。. 要通过电话激活 Windows 11,请:
How to report a concern or contact Bing - Microsoft Support
Important: Bing doesn't control the content that websites publish or that appears in Bing search results.To make sure content is removed from search results, your best option is to contact the webmaster for the website that published the content and request that it be deleted or removed.
Navigate with a mouse and keyboard | Xbox Support
Learn how to configure your wired USB mouse and keyboard, and how to use keyboard shortcuts on Xbox and Windows devices.
Network settings on the Xbox console | Xbox Support
To get to the Network screen on your console: Press the Xbox button to open the guide.; Select Profile & system > Settings > General > Network settings.
激活 Windows - Microsoft 支持
链接 Microsoft 帐户. 要链接 Microsoft 帐户,请进行以下操作: 以管理员身份登录以添加 Microsoft 帐户。 若要确认使用的是管理员帐户,请选择“ 开始 ”按钮,然后选择 “设置 > 帐户 ”> 你的信息 。 在你的名称下,你将看到 管理员 。 如果你不是管理员,请参阅 在 Windows 中管理用户帐户以创建管理 ...
Xbox Status | Xbox Support
Check the Xbox services, games, and apps for any service outages.