Meet Windows 11: The basics - Microsoft Support
Try it! Universal search. Select Search on the taskbar or press Windows logo key + S, then type what you want to find.You'll get personalized search results for people, email, and files in local and shared sites, or from the web. Desktop groups
Register the password reset verification method for a work or school ...
Depending on how your administrator has set up your organization, one or more of the following options will be available for you to set up as your security verification method.
加入 Teams 会议 - Microsoft 支持
在网页上加入 Teams 会议. 没有 Teams 应用? 你仍然可以加入 Teams 会议。 在电子邮件邀请中,选择“ 立即加入会议”。 还可以使用电子邮件中的拨入号码和会议 ID 进行拨入。
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
下载并安装或重新安装 Office 2019、Office 2016 或 Office 2013
如果这是你第一次安装 Microsoft 365,则可能需要先执行一些设置步骤。展开下面的 “了解详细信息”部分。 但是如果是重新安装 Microsoft 365,且已兑换了产品密钥并拥有与 Microsoft 365 相关联的帐户,请转到“登录并安装 Office”的部分。
Applies To: Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2016 for Mac, Office 2013
How to get and use app passwords - Microsoft Support
After you turn on two-step verification or set up the Authenticator app, you may run into issues if you use older devices (like Xbox 360 or a mail-sending security camera) that don't support two-step verification. For those devices, you can sign in with an app password instead. An app password is a long, randomly generated password that you provide only once instead of your regular password ...
¿Qué significa que mi versión de Windows ya no recibe soporte?
Instalación de Windows 11 en el equipo actual: también puedes ver si el equipo actual cumple los requisitos mínimos del sistema para Windows 11.Es poco probable que los equipos que ejecutan una versión de Windows sin soporte cumplan estos requisitos, pero si el tuyo sí, puedes comprar y descargar una versión completa de Windows 11 Home o Windows 11 Pro o comprar en un distribuidor.
在 Microsoft Teams 中加入会议 - Microsoft 支持
若要了解详细信息,请参阅 在 Microsoft Teams 中启动即时会议。. 拨入. 如果无法使用 Teams 应用或 Teams 网页版,请通过电话号码加入某些会议。 在此处了解详细信息: 通过电话加入 Teams 会议。 如果在会议邀请中找到电话号码和会议 ID,请拨打该号码加入。
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
Phone Link help & learning
Introducing Microsoft Phone Link Our evolution of the former Your Phone app brings a new name to the user experience. With the new Phone Link on your Windows PC and the new Link to Windows app on your Android device, accessing your mobile apps and content has never been easier!