2025 年 2 月 11 日 - KB5051974(OS 内部版本 19044.5487 和 19045.5487)
Windows 10 版本 2004 和 Windows Server 版本 2004 更新历史记录; 终止服务声明; 2021 年 12 月 14 日 - KB5008212(OS 内部版本 19041.1415、19042.1415、19043.1415 和 19044.1415)
Get started with SharePoint agents - Microsoft Support
Share your agent with others. Find the agent you want to share from the agent list. Select the ellipsis and then select Share.. You can then use the Copy Link option to grab a link to the file. You can send the link to your colleagues as you do for sharing other files.
Applies To:
Office for business, Microsoft Office
Insert ASCII or Unicode Latin-based symbols and characters
Notes: Many languages contain symbols that could not be condensed into the 256-characters Extended ACSII set. As such, there are ASCII and Unicode variations to encompass regional characters and symbols, see Unicode character code charts by script.. If you have trouble entering the characters codes for the characters that you want, try using the Character Map.
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, Publisher for Microsoft 365, Excel 2024, Outlook 2024, PowerPoint 2024, OneNote 2024, Excel 2021, Outlook 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Publisher 2021, Visio Professional 2021, Visio Standard 2021, OneNote 2021, Excel 2019, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Publisher 2019, Visio Professional 2019, Visio Standard 2019, Excel 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016, OneNote 2016, Publisher 2016, Visio Professional 2016, Visio Standard 2016
KB5050119:2025 年 1 月 14 日Windows 11版本 24H2 和 Windows Server 的安全 OS 动态更新
打开提升的 Windows 命令提示符。 为此,请按 Windows 徽标键,键入 cmd,右键单击“命令提示符”,然后单击“以管理员身份运行”。. 在命令提示符处,键入 reagentc /info ,然后按 Enter。. 请注意 Windows RE 位置的路径。
Update your payment method | Xbox Support
Go to Payment & billing and select Payment options.You can add or edit payment methods from here. Under Payment methods, you can Add a new payment method, View or edit card, or Remove card.; Enter your updated info, and select Save.
Language Accessory Pack for Microsoft 365
In any Microsoft 365 application, on the File tab, select Options. On the left, select Language.. Under Office display Language, make sure the display language you want to use is listed.. Under Office authoring languages and proofing, make sure the language you want to use for authoring your document is listed.. If the language accessory pack includes proofing tools for that language, its ...
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, Access for Microsoft 365, Project Online Desktop Client, Publisher for Microsoft 365, Visio Plan 2, Excel 2024, Word 2024, Outlook 2024, PowerPoint 2024, Access 2024, OneNote 2024, Project Professional 2024, Project Standard 2024, Visio Professional 2024, Excel 2021, Word 2021, Outlook 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Access 2021, Project Professional 2021, Project Standard 2021, Publisher 2021, Visio Professional 2021, OneNote 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Access 2019, Project Professional 2019, Project Standard 2019, Publisher 2019, Visio Professional 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Access 2016, OneNote 2016, Project Professional 2016, Project Standard 2016, Publisher 2016, Visio Professional 2016, Office for business, Office 365 Small Business, Microsoft 365 admin, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet - Small Business Admin, Office 365 operated by 21Vianet - Admin
Conheça a Game Bar no Windows | Xbox Support
Observe que, a partir de outubro de 2024, Windows10 22H2 ou mais recente será necessário para que alguns recursos funcionem corretamente no aplicativo Xbox e na Barra de Jogos. Você pode verificar sua versão do Windows em Configurações > Sistema > Sobre > Especificações do Windows > Versão.
How do I create macros? - Microsoft Support
Using the mouse that you want to configure, start Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center. In the list under the button that you want to reassign, select Macro.. Click Create a new Macro. An empty macro is created and added to the macro list.
How to investigate a billing charge from Microsoft
Here are the most likely causes for an unrecognized charge: A Microsoft subscription has recurring billing enabled. Someone you know, such as a family member, bought something with your card.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
激活 Windows - Microsoft 支持
链接 Microsoft 帐户. 要链接 Microsoft 帐户,请进行以下操作: 以管理员身份登录以添加 Microsoft 帐户。 若要确认使用的是管理员帐户,请选择“ 开始 ”按钮,然后选择 “设置 > 帐户 ”> 你的信息 。 在你的名称下,你将看到 管理员 。 如果你不是管理员,请参阅 在 Windows 中管理用户帐户以创建管理 ...