兌換禮品卡或代碼到您的 Microsoft 帳戶 - Microsoft Support
如何兌換禮品卡、Xbox 下載代碼或令牌. Microsoft和 Xbox 禮品卡以及下載代碼和令牌的運作方式相同:兌換到您的Microsoft帳戶后,您就可以在 Microsoft Store 網路商店、Windows 或 Xbox 上使用餘額,而且可以取得最新應用程式、遊戲、電影、電視節目,以及 Surface、Xbox 和配件的下載。
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
A billing address error occurs when making a purchase on your Xbox ...
If contact us isn't working the way you expect, try the disability answer desk option on this page. Contact us
Pay a past-due balance to unlock your subscription
For example, if a renewal charge fails for your Xbox Game Pass Core subscription, you are locked out, and online multiplayer only works in free-to-play games.
迁往新区域 | Xbox Support
Xbox subscription cancellations and refunds | Xbox Support
In the following countries, you have the right to cancel a subscription that has recurring billing with immediate effect and receive a prorated refund as described in the Microsoft Consumer Subscription Prorated Refund Policy:
如何登入 Hotmail - Microsoft Support
附註: 您的 Hotmail 或 Outlook.com 密碼與您的 Microsoft 帳戶密碼相同。 如果您可以登入但遇到 Outlook.com 的問題,請檢查 服務狀態。 如果狀態不是顯示綠色,請等候該服務正常執行,然後再試一次。
Applies To: Outlook.com
你无法在一台新的 Windows 电脑上打开经典 Outlook - Microsoft 支持
如果你最近买了一台新的 Windows 设备,你可能找不到经典版的 Outlook,或者虽然显示了该图标,但当你试图打开它时会出现错误。
Applies To: New Outlook for Windows
深入認識 Xbox Game Pass 轉換 | Xbox Support
取得 Xbox Game Pass 轉換常見問題的解答。
Find your error code | Xbox Support
Disability answer desk. Accessible help and resources to get your Xbox questions answered.
Contact - Microsoft Support
Contact Microsoft Support. What's new. Surface Pro; Surface Laptop; Surface Laptop Studio 2