Troubleshooting verification code issues - Microsoft Support
There are a number of possible explanations for why verification codes don't always arrive. Read through the list of the most common causes, and see if any of them apply to you, or use our troubleshooter to help guide you.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Windows 11, version 24H2 update history - Microsoft Support
That means you’ll receive Windows 11, version 24H2 when data shows that your device is ready and that you will have a great update experience. On the left side of this page, you’ll find a list of all the updates released for this version of Windows. You can also find more information about releases and any known issues.
Automatically save photos and videos with OneDrive for Android
Automatically save photos and videos with OneDrive for Android. The camera roll on your device only backups to Microsoft OneDrive - it does not sync photos both ways. That means you can delete backed up photos and videos from your device, and the copies in OneDrive won't be affected.
Applies To:
Microsoft 365 admin, OneDrive (work or school), OneDrive (home or personal)
How to redeem gift cards and codes | Xbox Support
Learn all about the $1,000,000 (USD) Ultimate Giveaway. Terms apply. Redeem gift cards and codes to make Xbox purchases and extend your Xbox subscriptions. Codes are 25 characters long, include both numbers and letters, and follow a 5x5 format—five blocks of five characters.
Como entrar no Hotmail - Suporte da Microsoft
Para entrar no Hotmail, você precisará do seu nome de usuário e senha da conta Microsoft. Dicas: Ao entrar, selecione Sim no prompt "Permanecer conectado?" se você quiser ir direto para sua caixa de correio na próxima vez (não recomendado para computadores compartilhados).
Applies To:
将 IR 延长缆线用于 Xbox One | Xbox Support
几乎任何市售的 IR 延长缆线都可以用于你的 Xbox One,只要该缆线满足以下要求:. 使用 3.5 mm 插孔进行连接(类似于一副标准耳机)。. 具有三个或更少的发射器。. 它是 IR 发射器,而不是接收器。. 该 3.5mm 插孔只有两个导管,如下图所示。.
在 Microsoft Store 中更改所在国家或地区 - Microsoft 支持
我们无法在地区之间转移资金。. 当你在新的区域进行第一笔消费时,系统将提示你更新帐单信息。. 若要更改你的帐户地区,请使用下列选项之一:. Windows 11 Windows 10 Xbox Online Microsoft 帐户. 选择“ 开始 > 设置 > 时间 & 语言 > 语言 & 区域 ”。. 在 “国家或地区 ...
如何登入 Hotmail - Microsoft Support
登入 Hotmail 或 Hotmail 現在為 若要登入 Hotmail,您將需要您的 Microsoft 帳戶使用者名稱和密碼。. 提示: 登入時,如果您下次想要直接移至信箱,請在 [保持登入?] 提示中選取 [是] (不建議用於共用電腦)。. 或者,選取 [不要再顯示這個] 方塊,然後 ...
Applies To:
支付逾期金额以解锁你的订阅 | Xbox Support
支付逾期金额以解锁你的订阅. 如果你有自动续订的订阅,当续订收费失败时,订阅会被锁定。. 如果发生这种情况,你将失去对订阅及其权益的访问权限。. 例如,如果未能支付 Xbox Game Pass Core 订阅的续订费用,你将被锁定,并且在线多人游戏将只适用于免费 ...
Surface Go(第一代)规格和功能 - Microsoft 支持
Surface Go 技术规格. [*] 专业键盘盖、Surface Dial、Microsoft 365、Surface 触控笔以及某些软件和配件单独出售。. LTE 功能仅在以下消费者配置上可用:Surface Go Intel® 4415Y/128GB SSD/8GB RAM with LTE Advanced. 服务可用性和性能取决于受服务提供商网络。.