Automate notetaking in Microsoft Teams meetings
Add AI-generated notes during a meeting. Select Notes from the meeting controls.. Select .. Turn on the toggle next to AI-generated notes.. The Notes icon in meeting controls will change to , indicating that AI-generated notes are on. AI-generated notes will not appear immediately, but will start a few minutes later based on the discussion captured in the transcript.
Manage your subscription - Microsoft Support
Learn how to manage your Microsoft subscription, including billing, renewal, and cancellation options.
Applies To:
手机连接要求和设置 - Microsoft 支持
系统要求. 手机连接 体验从 Windows 电脑和 手机连接 开始。 从电脑中,你可以使用预安装在设备上的连接至 Windows 应用或可从 Google Play 或 Samsung Galaxy Store 下载的连接至 Windows 连接到选择 Android、Samsung、HONOR、OPPO、ASUS 和vivo体设备。
管理 Xbox 在线安全和隐私设置 | Xbox Support
了解如何为你和每个家庭组成员管理 Xbox 主机上的在线安全和隐私设置。
Enforcements | Xbox Support
Note Not all enforcements are eligible for case review. Ineligible enforcements include those with shorter duration periods, content takedowns with no accompanying service suspension, and suspensions that are no longer active.
Reset or recover your lost Microsoft account password
Go to Reset your password and enter your email address.; Tell us where you'd like us to send a security code (email or phone number). Once you receive your security code, you'll be prompted to choose a new password and enter it twice.
如何登录到 Hotmail - Microsoft 支持
若要在 中获取支持,请单击此处或选择菜单栏上的帮助,然后输入查询。 如果自助服务无法解决问题,请向下滚动到“仍需要帮助?”,然后选择“是”。 若要在 中联系我们,需要登录。
Applies To:
Sign in to Xbox | Xbox Support
Try our Sign-in Helper for quick assistance signing in to your account:
更改你的 Microsoft 帐户的电子邮件地址或电话号码 - Microsoft 支持
需要更多帮助吗? 无法登录? 如果无法登录到Microsoft帐户,大多数问题都可以通过登录帮助程序工具进行识别。 登录帮助程序. 请联系支持人员. 有关技术支持,请转到联系Microsoft 支持,输入问题并选择“获取帮助”。 如果仍然需要帮助,请选择“联系支持人员”以转至最佳支持选项。
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Manage Xbox online safety and privacy settings | Xbox Support
Learn how to manage the online safety and privacy settings on the Xbox console for you and every member of your family group.