Reactivating Windows after a hardware change - Microsoft Support
In Windows 11, it is essential that you link your Microsoft account with the Windows 11 digital license on your device. Linking your Microsoft account with your digital license allows you to reactivate Windows using the Activation troubleshooter whenever you make a significant hardware change.
Link your social network accounts to Xbox | Xbox Support
Stay connected to friends across your social networks while gaming on a Windows device. Link your favorites such as Discord, Reddit, Steam, Twitch, and more.
Third party cookie inventory - Microsoft Support
We and third parties use social media cookies to show you ads and content based on your social media profiles and activity on our websites. They’re used to connect your activity on our websites to your social media profiles so the ads and content you see on our websites and on social media will better reflect your interests.
Windows 11, version 24H2 update history - Microsoft Support
Windows 11, version 21H2; October 8, 2024—KB5044280 (OS Build 22000.3260) September 10, 2024—KB5043067 (OS Build 22000.3197) August 13, 2024—KB5041592 (OS Build 22000.3147)
Streaming ao vivo com webcam no console Xbox | Xbox Support
Faça streaming ao vivo de você e seu jogo ao mesmo tempo usando um aplicativo de provedor de streaming ao vivo com uma webcam USB disponível no mercado.
Add, turn off, or remove extensions in Microsoft Edge
Select Get Extensions for Microsoft Edge.. Find the extension you'd like to add and select Get. At the prompt showing permissions required by the extension, carefully review the permissions, and then select Add extension if you wish to proceed.. You'll see a final prompt confirming the extension has been added.
关于在中国使用荣耀、Samsung 和 OPPO 手机设置连接到 Windows 并对其进行故障排除
本文中的信息仅在中国提供。 我们很高兴地向你推出荣耀、三星和 oppo 特定设备上的“手机连接”! 使用“手机连接”,可以轻松连接手机和电脑,以查看和回复短信、拨打和接听电话、查看和管理照片、接收移动通知,以及直接在电脑上使用手机屏幕。
Install Project - Microsoft Support
Note: Some versions of Project don't have an associated Microsoft account, or work or school account, or you need to redeem your product key in a different way.See the following if this is how you got your version of Project Professional 2021, Project Professional 2019, Project Standard 2021, or Project Standard 2019: Microsoft Workplace Discount Program (formerly known as Home Use Program ...
Applies To: Project Online Desktop Client, Project Professional 2024, Project Standard 2024, Project Professional 2021, Project Standard 2021, Project Professional 2019, Project Standard 2019, Project Professional 2016, Project Standard 2016, Office for business, Office 365 Small Business, Microsoft 365 admin, Project for Office 365
Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat、仕事用の AI アシスタント
Microsoft 365 Copilot Chatがワークフローの効率化にどのように役立つかをご確認ください。 AI を利用した支援を利用して、概要を取得し、アイデアをブレーンストーミングして、すばやく回答を見つけます。
在 Microsoft Teams 中加入会议 - Microsoft 支持
通过链接加入. 在会议邀请中,选择“ 立即加入会议”,以加入 Teams 网页版或桌面版。 如果你已拥有 Teams 应用,会议将自动打开。 如果你没有 Teams 帐户,并且组织者已允许它,则可以输入姓名以加入会议。 如果你有 Teams 帐户,请选择“ 登录 ”以通过访问会议聊天等权限加入。
Applies To: Microsoft Teams