You can create a calendar with a predesigned template.
On the File tab, select New.
In the Office gallery, type calendar and choose a design that suits you.
Tip: You can also download and customize a predesigned calendar template for PowerPoint.
You can create a calendar with a predesigned template.
On the File menu, select New from Template, or press shift+⌘+P.
In the Search box near the upper right corner, type calendar and choose a design that suits you.
Tip: You can also download and customize a predesigned calendar template for PowerPoint.
To get started on a calendar design, download a pre-designed calendar template and customize it.
Go to our collection of calendar templates.
Select an item in the gallery to see a preview and description.
If the template you choose is supported by the PowerPoint for the web, select
Customize in PowerPoint to open the presentation directly in PowerPoint.A new presentation file opens in PowerPoint