Service Update 32 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 9.1.0 is now available. This article describes the hotfixes and updates that are included in Service Update 32.

Please note that our naming conventions have changed to clarify the link between the version number and service update.  For example, Service Update 32 will correspond to version number 32XX. Occasionally a Service Update will be canceled and all the associated fixes will be rolled into the next Service Update, thus Service Update numbers will not always increase incrementally.

As this release is deployed globally, we will continue to add fixes and the version number may change.  Check this article regularly as we continue to document fixes added to this release.


Update package

Version number

Service Update 32 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 9.1.0

To determine whether your organization had this update applied, check your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online version number. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and then click About.

Service Update 32 resolves the following issues:

Unexpected Behavior

The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions performed in Dynamics that do not work as intended.

  • Appointments copied in Outlook modified the original appointment in CRM instead of creating a new appointment.

Repaired Functionality

The following list details issues whose resolutions repair items in Dynamics that are not functioning.

  • X-axis/Y-axis labels were not displayed correctly for histogram charts and bar charts.

  • Forward mailboxes could not be tested and enabled if there was an invalid email in the user's inbox.

  • Autonumbering did not function for appointments that were not "all-day".

  • The TotalAmount field did not update in a legacy form until the page was refreshed.

  • In the Email edit dialog window, when using the Internet Explorer browser, the cursor would not move to the next line down unless you press the Enter key twice instead of once.

  • The browser entered a "CPU hogging mode" when attempting to create two new reference cross entities from the BPF control.

  • The Subject field was not displaying in the social pane view for phone call activities.

  • Business process flows could not finish/"move next"/previous after returning to a cross-entity page through the Save&Close button or with the browser's Back button.

  • Y-Axis labels truncated prematurely.

  • Pressing the TAB key after selecting an Optionset using the mouse resulted in the TAB order jumping rather than navigating to the next CRM.

  • The Recall requests for approval" view was not visible in the PSA app module.

  • Synchronizing an appointment to Exchange failed when setting the regarding object for the appointment.

  • Relevance search results did not display correctly when they included reports with attachments.

  • The ribbon was unresponsive when gray panels were being rendered.

  • When refreshed, forms displayed on the Web with an inconsistent hybrid of the 8.2 version style and the 9.0 version style.

  • Email addresses and phone numbers could not be copied in quick view forms using the Chrome browser.

  • When navigating from Unified Client, the button to allow the navigation between pages on a view was grayed out.

Error Messages, Exceptions, and Failures 

The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions that produce errors, unhandled exceptions, or system or component failures.

  • An error occurred when performing a quick search on the Home Page grids.

  • Lookup searches displayed a "No records found" message in place of the expected query timeout exception in Unified Client.

  • An error occurred when attempting to load some fields like "Owning User" and "Created By" in Power BI.

  • An error occurred when attempting to open case records with previously updated fields.

  • The wrong Owner ID type appeared in exception messages when appointments errored out during synchronization.

Return to Release List

If you have any feedback on the release notes, please provide your thoughts here.

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