Applies ToSkype for Business Server 2019


When you try to uninstall the MACP component after you run the Stop-CsWindowsService cmdlet in Microsoft Skype for Business Server 2019, the component can’t be uninstalled. Additionally, you receive the following error message:

Fatal error during installation.


This issue occurs if you don’t install the Skype Server Update Installer (SSUI) before you run Bootstrapper.exe to install the required components for Skype for Business Server 2019.


To resolve this issue, start SSUIto get the latest fix, and then uninstall the MACP component.


This failed installation issue will recur if you double-click MacpWebcomponent.msp to install MACP together with the latest version after you run Bootstrapper.exe. To work around this issue, you should open the SSUIto get the latest fix, and then uninstall the MACP component.

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