This article applies to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 for all countries and all language locales.
This update replaces previously released updates. You should always install the latest update.
It may be necessary to update your license after you install this hotfix to gain access to new objects that are included in this or a previous update. (This only applies to customer licenses.)released updates for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2. Updates are intended for new and existing customers who are running Microsoft Dynamics Released Updates for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2. Important
For a list of updates that were released for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2, seeWe recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before you install hotfixes or updates. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates that will be installed. A hotfix or update may cause interoperability issues with customizations and third-party products that work together with your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central solution.
Problems that are resolved in this update
The following problems are resolved in this update:
Platform hotfixes
ID |
Title |
344880 |
The Customer page does not save the custom Filter by Name = (‘*&*’) field properly. |
348195 |
"Object metadata load attempted with no thread app group context defined" error message displays when you enable the API. |
351897 |
An error displays on a filtered list when you open the list from a lookup. |
352165 |
The IncludeCaption property for columns bound to fields that belong to a table extension does not work. |
356775 |
An issue in Outlook add-in Windows 10 causes access denied. |
348508 |
Pressing ESC in Lookup pages will close the page but still apply the record selected instead of canceling and escaping from the selection. |
337971 |
The Web client crashes when you sort on a column. |
354466 |
An Extension page becomes unresponsive in some scenarios. |
Application hotfixes
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
358430 |
The account schedule is not updated correctly in Excel. |
Administration |
352563 |
Error message displays when the template is applied for items/customers/vendors. |
Administration |
351200 |
On avoiding an electronic payment, the Exported to Payment File flag is not clear on the Vendor Ledger entries. |
Cash Management |
351285 |
When you use the Create Payment function, the payment journal line is created with the incorrect Document Type field. |
Cash Management |
357510 |
"Journal does not exist" error message displays when you save the setting of the Suggest Vendor Payments report. |
Cash Management |
352525 |
Incorrect budget values on the Acc. Sched. KPI WS Dimensions page. |
Finance |
353174 |
The Absences by cause report displays incorrect totals. |
Finance |
349555 |
If you select a customer before printing the Customer - Detailed Aging report, the report prints the Integer field instead of the Customer No. field. |
Finance |
351505 |
The amount in the Total column is incorrect in the analysis by Dimension Matrix view. |
Finance |
351844 |
Drill-down from the VAT Statement preview into the VAT entries does not respect the Date filter set on the VAT Statement preview. |
Finance |
352051 |
The Map Text to Account function in the payment reconciliation journal does not work as expected when the Bal. Source Type field is a bank account. |
Finance |
352371 |
An error message displays if you try to import a transaction file from the intercompany inbox transactions. |
Finance |
352374 |
The relation between the purchase order and purchase invoice is missing if the intercompany transactions exchange is done through the file location. |
Finance |
352377 |
The Statement report preview opens Word document in the Web client or a SaaS environment. |
Finance |
356714 |
Applying invoices and payment with payment tolerance is not working as expected. |
Finance |
356836 |
The Trial Balance/Previous Year report displays the Integer Data Item filtering on the Request page. |
Finance |
357807 |
The Detail Trial Balance report is not printing each G/L account on a new page. |
Finance |
350570 |
"You have insufficient quantity of Item xxx on Inventory when a Sales Order can't be left open because Prevent Negative Inventory is True" error message displays when you request more. |
Inventory |
351682 |
"Automatic reservation is not possible. Do you want to reserve items manually?" error message displays even though there is enough quantity on hand at the location to reserve. |
Inventory |
357529 |
When you use the category code with item attribute type date, the default value is not registered anymore when you reopen the Item Category Code page. |
Inventory |
358405 |
"The length of the string is 58, but it must be less than or equal to 50 characters." Error message displays when you run the Post Inventory Cost to G/L report. |
Inventory |
348859 |
An unwanted page displays when you use the Test report with the physical inventory journal. |
Inventory |
354955 |
An unexpected reserved quantity for the tracking item in the Prod. Order Line table if you use different unit of measures (UOMs) for sales orders and production orders. |
Inventory |
355847 |
When you use the warehouse item journal, the Qty. per Unit of Measure field is related to unit of measure (UOM) at the tracking line level. |
Inventory |
357122 |
The Item Description field is cut off when you print the posted transfer shipment/receipt. |
Inventory |
358334 |
"Location code does not exist" error message displays while you create a special order. |
Inventory |
355633 |
The job planning line quantity is incorrectly updated if you post multiple receipts and invoices. |
Jobs |
351247 |
An unexpected value of the Total Cost field in the Detailed Calculation report if add a line with type production BOM in between of the Prod. BOM lines. |
Manufacturing |
356798 |
"Sorry, we just updated this page. Reopen it, and try again" error message displays. |
Marketing |
354207 |
Users that do not have modify permissions in the Contact table are locked down on the Company Details page and cannot use lookup to Contact. |
Marketing |
347892 |
When we change the vendor number, purchase order and purchase line are not handling the same vendor at the purchase order level. |
Purchase |
349477 |
The Total Prepmt. Amt. to Deduct field must be greater than X. if there is partial invoicing posted. |
Purchase |
351888 |
"There is no Cust.Ledger Entry within the filter." error message displays when you post the corrective invoice. |
Sales |
352491 |
An E-invoicing subject and attachment are still in Norwegian even if the customer language is set to ENU. |
Sales |
352673 |
The file has no content in the zip file if you send PDF & electronic document. |
Sales |
354952 |
When you run the available to promise (ATP) calculation a second time for a Sales order without any changes on the supply side, the earliest Shipment Date and Planned Delivery Date fields are incorrect. |
Sales |
353546 |
Lines are created in the opposite way when you create a purchase order from a sales one and you use the inventory and service item. |
Sales |
357525 |
It is not possible to filter on the VAT Amount Line field in the Sales Order Confirmation report as the VAT Amount Specification field is not printed anyways. |
Sales |
351606 |
"Nothing to Handle. This is after a Warehouse Receipt was posted, but not put-away. A purchase Credit Memo was then posted to pull it out of the Receive bin. Additional Purchase was then Putaway. " error message displays when you create a pick. |
Warehouse |
349922 |
Unexpected negative reservation or the Total Available Quantity field in a scenario with an assembly order. |
Warehouse |
349923 |
Unexpected negative reservation or the Total Available Quantity field in a scenario with an assembly order and the To-Assemble Bin Code field is set to the Open Shop Floor Bin Code field. |
Warehouse |
352396 |
"Item tracking defined for line 20000, lot number LOT2, serial number cannot be applied. " error message displays when you use the Movement Worksheet. |
Warehouse |
Local application hotfixes
BE - Belgium
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
356580 |
The OnAfterNewConsolidatedPaymentEvent implementation from 14.x to 15.x is missing in the File SEPA Payments and File Non-Euro SEPA Payments reports in the Belgian version. |
Finance |
356586 |
The PostPaymentJournal function and publisher OnBeforePostPaymentJournal implementation from 14.x to 15.x are missing in the File SEPA Payments and File Non-Euro SEPA Payments reports in the Belgian version. |
Finance |
356588 |
The GlobalVarAccess to VendLedgEntry function in the OnBeforeSuggestPayments event publisher implementation from 14.x to 15.x is missing in the Suggest Vendor Payments EB report in the Belgian version. |
Finance |
356591 |
The OnBeforeSetPaymJnlLine with Handled pattern event publisher in the SetPaymJnlLine function from 14.x to 15.x is missing in the Suggest Vendor Payments EB report in the Belgian version. |
Finance |
CH - Switzerland
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
358277 |
The QR code is missing on the invoice if a French special character is used in the customer address in the Swiss version. |
Finance |
356056 |
The rounding of the sales order is not correct if you run the Statistics page in the Swiss version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
CZ - Czech
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
356668 |
The advance letter partial payments do not work as expected in the Czech version. |
Cash Management |
347395 |
The Accounting sheets report saves filters in the Czech version. |
Finance |
356561 |
The Open G/L Entries to Date report displays incorrect data in the Czech version. |
Finance |
356664 |
The application of G/L entries with the G/L Entry Applying report does not work correctly in the Czech version. |
Finance |
353762 |
Intrastat transaction and performance country are not considered in the Czech version. |
Purchase |
ES - Spain
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
355789 |
It is not possible to submit an invoice with the Special Scheme code to the SII module in the Spanish version. |
Sales |
IT - Italy
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
354448 |
The purchase invoices entries posted for different vendors with the same vendor document No. are not correctly exported from the VAT report in the Italian version. |
Finance |
356936 |
The Export FatturaPA document the YesTok variable needs to display capital SI instead of Si in the codeunit in the Italian version. |
Finance |
352055 |
Cannot submit the vendor bill floppy in the Italian version. |
Purchase |
352533 |
Using the same Abi Code option does not work when you run the Suggest Payment function in the vendor bill in the Italian version. |
Purchase |
358062 |
The Riferimentolinea tag of the DatiDDT section is set to 0 when you post and send ship and invoice from the sales order in the Italian version. |
Sales |
NA - North America
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
354041 |
The sales tax is not calculated when the tax liable is set to false and a taxable group code is used in the North American version. |
Finance |
351849 |
The VAT Statement Templates table are missing in the North American version of Business Central. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
351695 |
"Attempted to divide by zero" error message displays when you enter lines on a purchase order that includes expensed sales tax in the North American version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
NL - Netherlands
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
356777 |
The Payment History Overview report cuts the vendor name after 7 characters or the first blank/space in the Dutch version. |
Finance |
RU - Russia
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
356755 |
The system does not support agreement with no expiration date in the Russian version. |
Finance |
UK - United Kingdom
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
356152 |
"MD5 not supported" error message displays when you submit the EC Sales List report through GovTalk in the British version. |
Finance |
Local regulatory features
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
357161 |
The posted sales invoices are displayed if the Sell-to Customer field is different from the Bill-to Customer field. |
Financial Management |
IT - Italy
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
350192 |
Add a possibility to distribute non-taxable amount in the withholding tax in the Italian version. |
Financial Management |
352795 |
Implement Fattura Document Type in the E-invoicing solution in the Italian version. |
Financial Management |
359225 |
Make the Activity Code fields visible in the Italian version. |
Financial Management |
NO - Norway
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
352448 |
Implement the Data Check functionality in the SAF-T solution in the Norwegian version. |
Financial Management |
How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 files
This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.
Update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2
Which hotfix package to download
This update has multiple hotfix packages. Select and download one of the following packages depending on the country version of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 database:
Country |
Hotfix package |
AT - Austria |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 AT package |
AU - Australia |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 AU package |
BE - Belgium |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 BE package |
CH - Switzerland |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 CH package |
CZ- Czech |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 CZ package |
DE - Germany |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 DE package |
DK - Denmark |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 DK package |
ES - Spain |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 ES package |
FI - Finland |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 FI package |
FR - France |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 FR package |
IS - Iceland |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 IS package |
IT - Italy |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 IT package |
NA - North America |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 NA package |
NL - Netherlands |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 NL package |
NO - Norway |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 NO package |
NZ - New Zealand |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 NZ package |
RU - Russia |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 RU package |
SE - Sweden |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 SE package |
UK - United Kingdom |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 UK package |
All other countries |
Download update 15.7 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 W1 package |
How to install a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 update
See How to install a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 update.
You must have Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2 installed to apply this hotfix.
More information
See more information about software update terminology and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.