This article describes the windows and the tables that are updated in Payroll in Microsoft Dynamics GP and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains after you process a payrun.
More Information
If you are running Microsoft SQL Server, you can view the table information in SQL Query Analyzer. You can run the following sample Select statement in SQL Query Analyzer against the company database to view the table information.
The following report is returned. Note The Window/report that contains information column displays the window in which the information is displayed. Use the Physical name column for the table name.
Table Name |
Window /Report |
Physical Name |
Payroll Employee Summary |
Cards | Payroll | Summary |
UPR00900 |
Payroll Employee Tips Summary |
Cards | Payroll | Summary | Tips Summary |
UPR00901 |
Payroll Pay Code Summary |
Cards | Payroll } Pay Code | Summary |
UPR30301 |
Payroll Pay History |
Reports | Payroll | History | Employee Pay History |
UPR30300 |
or |
Cards | Payroll | Pay Code | History |
Payroll Deduction Master |
Cards | Payroll | Deduction| Summary |
UPR30301 |
Payroll Benefit Master |
Cards | Payroll | Benefit | Summary |
UPR30301 |
Payroll State Tax Summary |
Cards | Payroll | State Tax | Summary |
UPR30301 |
Payroll Local Tax Master |
Cards | Payroll | Local Tax | Summary |
UPR30301 |
Payroll Tax Liability |
Tools | Utilities | Payroll | Edit Liabilities |
UPR30200 |
Payroll Tax Liability |
GP 10.0 | Tools | Utilities | Payroll |Edit Liabilities |
UPR30200 |
Payroll Distribution History |
Reports | Payroll | History | Dist. Breakdown History |
UPR30401 |
Payroll Check HIstory |
Inquiry | Payroll | Check |
UPR30100 |
Payroll Transaction History |
Inquiry | Payroll | Transaction |
UPR30300 |
Payroll Distribution History Header |
Reports | Payroll | History | Dist. Breakdown History |
UPR30400 |
This article was TechKnowledge ID29906.