This article describes the issues that are fixed in Update Rollup 8 (UR8) for Microsoft System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager. It also contains the installation instructions for Update Rollup 8 for System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager.
New HTML Self Service Portal
This update rollup contains the new Self Service Portal for Service Manager 2012 R2. Highlights of the new Self Service Portal include the following:
Updated modern UI with easier navigation
Multi-browser support
Announcements back in portal
Rich browser for help articles
Server caching to reduce database calls and to improve portal performance
Rich customization
What's New in System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager topic in Microsoft TechNet.
To learn more about the new Self Service Portal, see the
How to obtain and install Update Rollup 8 for System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager
Download information
Update packages for Service Manager are available from the Microsoft Download Center.
Microsoft Download Center
Go to the following website to manually download the update packages from the Microsoft Download Center:
Installation instructions
To install this update, see the Deploy the new self-service portal topic on the Microsoft TechNet website.
File Name |
Size (Bytes) |
Version Number |
Global.asax |
115 |
Global.asax.cs |
1305 |
Packages.config |
1821 |
Web.config |
7340 |
Web_old.config |
7361 |
SelfServicePortalResources.cs.resx |
18425 |
SelfServicePortalResources.da.resx |
18081 |
| |
18395 |
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20480 |
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| |
18374 |
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18331 |
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18449 |
| |
18394 |
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18218 |
SelfServicePortalResources.resx |
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| |
19927 |
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18082 |
| |
18303 |
SelfServicePortalResources.zh-CHS.resx |
17756 |
SelfServicePortalResources.zh-CHT.resx |
17866 |
SelfServicePortalResources.zh-HK.resx |
17866 |
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DevExpress.Office.v12.1.Core.dll |
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DevExpress.Printing.v12.1.Core.dll |
2129496 | |
DevExpress.RichEdit.v12.1.Core.dll |
5156440 | |
DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.v12.1.dll |
1633368 | |
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core.dll |
4078280 |
7.5.3079.0 |
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.NewSMPortal.SDKTransformer.dll |
63176 |
7.5.3079.507 |
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.NewSMPortal.SMPortalHelper.dll |
106184 |
7.5.3079.507 |
Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll |
45416 |
1.0.20105.407 |
SelfServicePortalWebApp.dll |
60616 |
7.5.3079.507 |
System.Web.Mvc.dll |
505504 |
4.0.40804.0 |
System.Web.Optimization.dll |
54912 | |
System.Web.Razor.dll |
266944 |
2.0.20715.0 |
System.Web.Routing.dll |
22136 |
4.0.30319.18402 |
System.Web.WebPages.Deployment.dll |
41152 |
2.0.20710.0 |
System.Web.WebPages.dll |
204480 |
2.0.20710.0 |
System.Web.WebPages.Razor.dll |
39616 |
2.0.20710.0 |
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DetailsPopUp.cshtml |
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Offerings.cshtml |
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Query.cshtml |
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ServiceRequestDetails.cshtml |
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Article.cshtml |
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Index.cshtml |
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Index.cshtml |
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Index.cshtml |
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RequestDetails.cshtml |
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Error.cshtml |
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_Layout.cshtml |
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