Last Updated: August 30, 2024
After updating to Version 2405 Build 17628.20110 or higher you may find the meeting reminder dialog is not drawing properly.
Symptoms include:
Dismiss, Dismiss All, or Snooze buttons are not visible or cut off.
Reminders may display as a single line even if you have multiple reminders.
Dialog is either too big or too small and not resizable.
Another issue was found to cause the issue. The Reminder dialog will not draw properly if the Location field of the appointment is a long URL or text. This issue has been escalated for a fix. We will update this topic when we know this will be fixed.
The original issue where a long Subject will cause the issue is fixed in the following builds:
Beta Channel: Version 2408 (Build 17916.15000)
Current Channel Preview: Version 2408 (Build 17928.20018) Current Channel: Version 2408 (Build 17928.20114) Monthly Enterprise Channel: Version 2408 (Build 17928.20114+) ETA 10/8/24You may be able to temporarily work around the issue doing the following:
Shorten the Location field
Closing Outlook and restarting.
Setting the Windows Display Scale to 100% in the Windows display properties.
The issue is most likely to occur after you have minimized and restored the reminders dialog.
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