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You can always create a new project from a template or another project. But if you need to start fresh, you can create a blank project file: 

Click File > New > Blank Project.

Create a new blank project button image

That gives you a blank canvas to work on. If you're not sure what to do next, read on.

Note: For a quick introduction to more basic tasks in Project, see Project Quick Start.

What to do with your new project

Set the project start or finish date

  1. Click Project > Project Information.

    Project Information button image

  2. Go to the Schedule from box, and pick Project Start Date or Project Finish Date.

  3. Add the date to the Start date or Finish date box.

Project management tip    Schedule from the finish date to figure out how late you can start a project and still meet your deadline. Change the setting above to schedule from the start date once work begins, so you can see when changes put the deadline in danger.

Once you get the big picture in place, Project can help you sort out the details of the schedule:

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Set the name or title and other file properties

Save your project to give it a name or title. You can change the name and other file properties at any time.

  1. Click File > Info.

  2. On the right, click Project Information and then click Advanced Properties.

  3. On the Summary tab, type the name in the Title box.

  4. Add any other info you want to be part of the project file.

    Project Information menu with Advanced Properties highlighted

Note: To get back to your project view, click the back button Backstage back button.

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Add tasks

Most projects start their lives as a list of tasks in Excel, Word, or even on a piece of paper. Before you can schedule and manage those tasks, you need to get them into your project file.

  • Add tasks manually    That is, type them into Project.

  • Cut and paste    Project remembers the outline structure you created for your tasks in Word, Outlook, or PowerPoint, and it makes them summary tasks and subtasks when you paste them into Project.

  • Import data from Excel    If your Excel task list had durations, cost estimates, deadlines, or other data about the project, you can bring that over, too.

  • Sync with SharePoint    You can work with Project in SharePoint. After you schedule these tasks, your team members can see the schedule and update their work in SharePoint, and you'll see the changes in Project. And vice-versa.

Once you add them, you can start to work with your tasks:

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Show the project summary task

The project summary task contains all other tasks, and it appears at the top of your task list. Project hides the project summary task by default. To turn it on, go to the Gantt Chart, click Format, and then check Project Summary Task.

Show the project summary task

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Where to go from here

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