If your navigation bar is positioned on the left margin of your classic Outlook window, you have the new experience for this feature (available in Current Channel version 2207 or later).
You can move the bar back below the folder pane for a time, as described below, but eventually the navigation bar will be permanently positioned on the left margin.
Select File > Options.
Select Advanced, and under Outlook panes, clear Show Apps in Outlook.
Close and then restart classic Outlook.
After doing so, you'll see the navigation bar positioned below the folder pane.
The vertical Navigation Bar on the left margin of new Outlook gives you quick access to the various modules of Outlook (mail, calendar, people, and so on) and to other parts of Microsoft 365.
Clicking any icon on the bar takes you to the app or module represented by that icon.
You can customize the Navigation Bar by adding icons for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or OneNote:
On the bar, select
More apps. -
Select the app you want to add to the Navigation Bar in new Outlook.