Applies ToAccess for Microsoft 365

Last Updated: September 28, 2020


After an update to Office, you may encounter an error when using a program that uses the ODBC interface implemented by the Access Database Engine.  This could happen with a custom application, or with the ODBC Data Sources application, when specifying the "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)".

The error generated is: "The operating system is not presently configured to run this application."  

This error was introduced with Version 2008 (Build 13127.20296).  Subsequent builds will have the problem as well until a fix is issued.  The problem will start occurring when this build is installed, or an existing installation is updated to this build.


This issue is fixed in Version 2009 (Build 16.0.13231.20262), which is available as of Sept 28, 2020.  If Office has not automatically updated, you can get the newest build by following the steps listed in Install Office updates.

When creating File DSNs, you may receive the message "The File Data Source was not saved.", even though the DSN was successfully created.  This message will be fixed in version 2010.

You will also not be able to create Machine DSNs using the version of Ace included with Microsoft 365 Applications.  You will still need to install the Access Database Engine Redistributable if you require that functionality.

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