Applies ToMicrosoft Edge SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Microsoft Search

Acronyms are used everywhere, especially within companies, but their meaning is often a mystery to people outside or new to the company or new to a specific department within it.

When you need to know, Microsoft search can help you find the meaning of these arcane acronyms. You can use the search box in Bing, SharePoint, and  

This is a subscriber-only featureThis feature is available to Microsoft 365 enterprise plan Subscribers only. 

Use the search box

Use the search box in Bing, SharePoint,, Outlook on the web, Outlook Mobile (Android), and Teams Mobile (iOS and Android) to get results that include all of the meanings and definitions that are relevant to you and your organization. On any of these sites, just enter an acronym and keywords about meaning or definition in the search box. For example, you could search for the acronym "FTE" using any of the following queries:

  • What is FTE

  • define fte

  • FTE definition

  • expand FTE

  • fte expansion

  • meaning of fte

  • FTE means

The results show common meanings of "FTE" used at work. Note that your query must include the acronym’s specified keywords to trigger its corresponding answers. Acronym queries are not case sensitive. 

Acronyms in search is available for the following languages: 

  • Bing:    English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Italian (IT), German (DE), and Portuguese (PT)

  • SharePoint and    US English (EN-US) only, with additional languages coming in the future

What's the source of acronym definitions?

Acronym definitions are extracted separately for each person from the emails and documents they have access to. IT admins can also add a list of acronyms and their definitions that are available to the whole organization.

When an acronym definition is provided, you'll see the source below it:  Found in a shared file, Found in your email, or Defined by your organization.

Who can see acronyms and their definitions?

You can only see acronyms and their definitions when you have access to the documents and emails that the acronym definitions are produced from.

Why can't I see the definitions for all acronyms?

Only defined acronyms are displayed. If an acronym from your document isn't shown, you may not have access to a document or email where the acronym is defined. It's also possible that we haven't found a definition of the acronym yet because the acronym extraction process only occurs every few days. 

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