We’ve made some changes to improve Microsoft To Do. For the best experience across all your devices, you need to update to the latest version of To Do.

Please ensure that your mobile and desktop To Do apps are version 2.60 or higher before February 15, 2022 to avoid any issues with cross-device syncing.     

Select the links below to update your To Do apps in the appropriate app store.

For desktop versions of To Do, select Microsoft Store or Mac App Store.

For mobile versions of To Do, select iOS App Store or Google Play Store.

Note: If you're using a work account, you may need to contact your IT admin for help with this update.


Your To Do apps will no longer sync across devices, but you’ll still be able to use To Do in offline mode. After February 15, 2022, you can keep your To Do apps syncing by updating your apps to the latest version.

Caution: Make sure you don't log out of To Do, as any unsynced data will be lost if you do. 


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