Applies ToVisio Premium 2010 Visio 2010 Visio Standard 2010 Visio 2007 Visio Standard 2007

An interface Interface shape icon - lollipop Interface shape icon - boxspecifies the externally visible operations of a class, component, package, or other element without specifying internal structure.

An interface has operations but no attributes, states, or associations. In terms of notation, an interface can be represented in two ways:

  • As a class shape with the stereotype <<interface>> attached to the element that supports it by a realizes relationship.

  • By a circle, attached to the element that supports it with a solid line.

A realizes relationship is a relationship that means the client at the tail of the arrow supports or inherits all the operations of the supplier at the arrowhead.

Use realizes relationships between a class (as the supplier) and its interface (when the interface is represented by a Class shape with the stereotype <<interface>>), or between an implementation class (as the supplier) and a type.

Change which shape displays for an interface

Right-click the Interface shape, click Shape Display Options, and click Show as Class-like Interface or Show as Lollipop Interface.

Name an Interface shape and add other property values

Open the element's UML Properties dialog box by double-clicking the icon that represents the element in the tree view, or the shape that represents the element in a diagram.

Tip: Control which property values display on a shape in a diagram by right-clicking the shape, and then clicking Shape Display Options. In the UML Shape Display Options dialog box, select and clear options to display or hide property values.

Control which property values are displayed on the Interface shape

Right-click the shape, click Shape Display Options, and then select or clear options to show or hide values.

Navigate to other views of the interface

Right-click the shape, click Views, select the view you want, and then click OK.

Show, in a view, the relationships between the interface and other elements

Right-click the Interface shape, and then click Show Relationships.

Change the size of the circle at the end of the linear Interface shape

Select the shape, and then drag the control handle Control handle image - yellow diamond.

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