We have some exciting updates to share regarding Outlook for Mac. Accessing your email, calendar, and people has now become more convenient. These functions are conveniently located on the left side of the folder pane, allowing easy access. Moreover, you are going to have the flexibility to personalize this area by adding various apps like To Do, Org Explorer, Bookings, and more in future. You can launch these popular Microsoft 365 apps directly within Outlook for Mac, along with many others.

Quick access to Outlook functions and other Microsoft 365 apps

The main functions in Outlook, such as email, calendar, and people, are now displayed vertically to the left of the folder pane. This experience may look familiar to you if you use Outlook for the web and the new Outlook for Windows. Placing your apps vertically on the left side of the screen also offers a consistent user experience with Office.com and Teams.

New Outlook for Mac left nav

How it works

This experience will be automatically turned on for all users running Outlook for Mac 16.71.0 or later. This feature is only for Outlook for Mac.

If you want to try Outlook for Mac:

  1. Open Outlook.

  2. Turn the New Outlook toggle on.

New Outlook for Mac toggle

Learn more about Outlook for Mac

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