You have the option of automatically adding a shape to the drawing page for each reverse-engineer item.
Yes, add the shapes to the current page
Click to have Visio automatically add the reverse engineered items to the current page.
No, I will add the shapes later
Click to add the reverse engineered items later by dragging them from the Tables and Views window onto the page.
About this wizard
Important: Reverse engineering is supported for SQL Server 2016 and earlier versions. It is not supported for SQL Server 2019 or newer versions.
This wizard steps you through the process of creating a connection to the target database you want to reverse engineer.
To create a connection, you specify an installed Visio driver and the 32-bit ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) data source. For convenience, before you run the wizard, you should set the default Visio driver and target database to the target database you want to reverse engineer.
The schema definition information that the wizard can extract depends upon a combination of things, such as the capabilities of the DBMS (Database Management System) and ODBC driver. To the extent that it is available from the target DBMS, you can select the schema definition information that the Reverse Engineer Wizard will extract.