Note: To rotate text in Word, you must first place the text in a text box, and then rotate the text box.

Insert and rotate a text box

  1. Select where on the page to put the text box.

  2. On the Insert tab, select  Draw text box button Text Box and choose a style. For more info, see Add, copy, or remove a text box in Word.

  3. Select the text box and do one of the following: 

    • On the Shape Format tab, select  Rotate objects button Rotate. and choose a direction or angle to rotate. 

    • Grab the Rotation handle button Rotation handle on the top of the text box and drag it to the angle you want. To keep the rotation to 15 degree angles, press and hold Shift while you drag the rotation handle.

  4. Select elsewhere on your document to view the rotated text box.

Note: A text box will appear horizontally when you select it to make editing the text easier.

Mirror text in a text box

This will reverse a line or paragraph of text in a text box.

  1. Select the text box and choose the Shape Format tab.

  2. Select Text effects button Text Effects and hover over  3D Rotation and choose   3D Rotation Options.

  3. Under 3-D Rotation, set X Rotation to 180°.

    Text box with 3D Rotation x 180 deg

Remove the text box border

  1. Select the text box and choose the Shape Format tab

  2. Select  Shape outline button Shape Outline, and then choose No Outline.

  3. Shape Outline button

    The border around the text box disappears when you click or tap outside the text box.

Change the border

  1. Select the text box and choose the Shape Format tab. 

  2. Select  Shape outline button Shape Outline to change the outline color, to change the line weight, or to change the line to dashes.

  3. Select Shape effects button Shape Effects to add a shadow or a glow to the border.

Note: To rotate text in Word for Mac, you must first place the text in a text box, and then rotate the text box.

  1. Select a text box to rotate. For more info on inserting a text box, see Add, copy, or remove a text box in Word

  2. Select the Rotation handle buttonrotation handle at the top of the text box, and then drag in the direction that you want.

    • To constrain the rotation to 15-degree angles, press and hold Shift while you drag the rotation handle.

    • When you rotate multiple shapes, they do not rotate as a group, but instead each shape rotates around its own center.

    • Alternatively you can select the object, hold down ⌥ option and press the left or right arrow keys to rotate.

Mirror text in a text box

  1. Select the text box and choose the Shape Format tab. 

  2. Select  Text effects buttonText Effects.

  3. Select  3D Rotation and choose   3D Rotation Options.

  4. Under 3-D Rotation, set X Rotation to 180°.

Rotate to an exact angles

  1. Select the text box you want to rotate. and choose the Shape Format tab.

  2. Select Rotate objects button Rotate in the Arrange group.

    • If you don't see the Shape Format tab, make sure that you selected a text box.

    • The Rotate objects button Rotate button could be hidden if your screen size is reduced. If you don't see the Rotate objects button Rotate button, select Arrange button Arrange to see hidden buttons in the Arrange group.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Rotate Right 90° to rotate the object 90 degrees to the right.

    • Rotate Left 90° to rotate the object 90 degrees to the left.

    • Flip Vertical; flips the text box vertically.

    • Flip Horizontal; flips the text box horizontally.

    • More Rotation Options: Enter the amount that you want to rotate the object in the Rotation box. You can also use the arrows to rotate the object exactly where you want.

Group objects

When you group text boxes, you are combining them so that you can format, move, or copy them as a group.

  1. Hold down Shift, select the text boxes that you want to group together, and then choose the Shape Format tab.

  2. Under Arrange, select  Group pictures, shapes, objects button Group and then choose  Group pictures, shapes, objects button Group.

Tip: If Group appears dimmed or unavailable that's usually because you haven't already selected two, or more text boxes to be grouped together.

Word for the web displays documents that contain rotated text boxes, but Inserting or rotating a text box isn't currently possible in Word for the web. You can, however, insert or rotate a text box in the Word desktop app.

  • To open the desktop app, at the top of the ribbon, select Editing and choose Open in Desktop App.

    Editing mode menu, Open in Desktop App command

Don't have the Word desktop app? Try or buy Microsoft 365.

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