Applies ToLync 2013 Lync Basic 2013

When you’re scheduling your Lync Meetings, you can use the default options, which are appropriate for small and casual meetings with coworkers.

It’s a good idea to modify the options if:

  • You’re inviting more than 10-15 people. You can have up to 250 participants.

  • You want to control participants’ permissions, (IM, Audio, Video).

  • You want to have a new meeting ID, which allows only people you invite to join, (added security).

  • You have invitees from other companies.

Tip: For an interactive guide to setting up Lync Meetings—including troubleshooting tips—see Scheduling and preparing for a Skype for Business (Lync) Meeting.

Click New Lync Meeting in your Outlook calendar, then click Meeting Options on the ribbon. Here you can pick the appropriate choices for the meeting you’re scheduling.

Screen shot of meeting options

Let’s look at the options

Where do you want to meet online?

Here you can choose if you want to use your assigned meeting space, or create a new space (meeting ID), and set restrictions and permissions.

Screen shot of meeting options where do you want to meet

  • A new meeting space (I control permissions)

This option is more secure, and suitable for when you present confidential information. You get a brand new meeting with a unique ID, and can customize permissions such as who gets to be a presenter, mute people or prevent them from sharing video.

When you use this option and get a new meeting space, participants from your previous meetings don’t accidentally join your next meeting, in case they remain online. Also with a new meeting space, you can add additional security and only allow people who you want to join.

If you want to always use this option, click Remember Settings at the bottom of the window, so that all your future meetings automatically have a new ID and the permissions you select.

  • My dedicated meeting space (less secure)

This is simply your own meeting room and will always have the same ID and permissions. Content, such as PowerPoint presentations or other files remain in the meeting until you delete them. This is a good option for informal meetings with coworkers, which lets them sign in at any time with presenter permissions.

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These people don’t have to wait in the lobby

You decide who gets into the meeting directly, and who waits until you let them in. When the meeting starts, you see the names of the people who want to join the meeting and can grant or deny access.

Who gets in directly?

What happens

Recommended when…

Only me, the meeting organizer

You are the only one who gets into the meeting directly. Everyone else has to wait until admitted.

You have a high security meeting and confidential information.

People I invite from my company

Only people who were invited join the meeting directly. Everyone else has to wait until admitted.

You’re discussing confidential information, and want to only allow specific people to join.

Anyone from my organization

Anyone from your company can get in to the meeting directly, even if not invited.

You don’t have external participants and you are not discussing confidential information.

Anyone (no restrictions)

Anyone who has access to the meeting link gets in to the meeting directly.

You’re inviting outside participants and you’re not discussing confidential information.

Notes:  Don’t forget to also check or un-check the options for people who call in:

  • Callers get in directly - People who call in with a phone get connected directly.

  • Announce when people enter or leave - Everyone can hear the names as people come and go. Not recommended for large meetings.

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Who’s a presenter?

Here you can choose who gets to be a presenter in your meeting. Remember that all presenters have full control over the meeting, and can share content, record the meeting (except when using Lync Basic, which doesn’t support recording), change the meeting options, mute people, and other meeting tasks.

Let’s take a look.

Who’s a presenter?

What happens

Recommended when...

Only me, the meeting organizer

Only you as the meeting organizer will have presenter permissions.

Use when the participants don’t have to interact with the meeting content. You can designate additional presenters during the meeting if you change your mind.

Anyone from my organization

Anyone from your company will be a presenter.

Suitable for causal meetings with your teammates, where all participants can share and modify content.

Anyone (no restrictions)

Everyone you invite will be a presenter.

Use when you have external participants and want them to present.

People I choose

You and the people you choose.

Pick this option when you want specific people to be presenters.

Note:  When you select People I choose, click Choose Presenters and move the participants from Attendee to Presenters side. External invitees and distribution lists can’t be added as presenters with this option, but you can give presenter permission to individuals when you are in the meeting.

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Do you want to limit participation?

If you are setting up a large event or want to eliminate interruption, you can mute all attendees, disable meeting IM or prevent them from using their webcam, by checking the boxes below:

  • Disable IM

  • Mute all attendees

  • Block attendees’ video

These settings apply only to attendees. Presenters can always share audio and video in the meeting.

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This tab may not be available to you, depending on your account settings.

  • Where will most people call in from?

Sometimes people call into the meeting with a phone instead of using computer audio. You can help them find the local number quickly and avoid long distance charges by choosing the area most people may call in from.

In the meeting options, click the Phone tab and choose the area under Where will most people call in from? The local number then shows up on the invitation for that area.

  • Forgot your Dial-in PIN (Personal Identification Number)

Most of the time, you don’t need a PIN when you call into the meeting with a phone. You get connected directly and your number shows up in the participant list. But, if you want to call in as the leader or an authenticated caller, you’ll be prompted for your PIN and/or work number or extension.

Dialing in as authenticated caller simply means that the meeting is secured and you need to be identified before joining the meeting. Your name then shows up in the participant list, instead of your number.

If you don’t remember your PIN, click Get your PIN now in the meeting options, and follow the instructions on the page to reset. See Reset your PIN, for more information.

Other resources

Reset your PIN, (Personal Identification Number)

Record and play back a Lync Meeting

Introduction to Lync Meeting room, (Presentation tools, manage participants, Audio/Video controls, etc.)

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