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If you're using a work or school account or personal account in Outlook, you can send a sharing invitation to other users so they can view your calendar from within their own Outlook Calendar list.

Calendar sharing isn't limited to the default Calendar folder that's created in all Outlook profiles. You can create additional calendar folders and choose which of those folders to share. For example, you can create a calendar folder for a specific project and share it with your co-workers, or a family calendar that includes all the events and appointments for family members.

This article describes how to share and access a calendar that can only be viewed. This means the people you're sharing it with, can't make changes to it. To give someone permissions to edit a shared calendar, see Share and access a calendar with edit or delegate permissions in Outlook .

Select a tab option below for the version of Outlook you're using. What version of Outlook do I have?

Note: If the steps under this New Outlook tab aren't working for you, you may not be using new Outlook for Windows yet. Select the Classic Outlook tab and follow those steps instead.

In this article:

Share a calendar with others

Add another person's calendar

Publish a calendar

Import events from an .ics file

View Shared Calendars

Share a calendar with others in new Outlook for Windows

  1. From the navigation pane, select  ​​​​​​​Calendar.

  2. On the Home tab, select Share calendar, and if you have more than one calendar, select which calendar you want to share.

  3. Type whom to share with in the Enter an email address or contact name box. If the person's name appears in a list, select it, otherwise press Enter.

  4. After you've added the person you want to manage your calendar, select the drop-down list next to their name, and choose the level of access you want them to have.

    • Select Can view when I'm busy to give them permission to see only when you are busy, but not the details of items on your calendar.

    • Select Can view titles and locations to give them permission to see when you're busy, plus the titles and locations of items on your calendar.

    • Select Can view all details to give them permission to see all details of items on your calendar. This option allows others to view your calendar but not make changes to it.

      Note: If you want to grant permissions that allow a user to edit your calendar, or can respond to meeting requests on your behalf, see Calendar delegation in Outlook.

  5. After you've finished adding the person you want to share your calendar with and have chosen which permission you want to give them, select Share. If you decide not to share your calendar right now, select Remove Remove.

  6. The person you're sharing a calendar with will receive an email invitation to share their calendar. Once they accept, they can add your calendar to their own view.

Add another person's calendar to your calendar in new Outlook for Windows

You can add a shared calendar either from a calendar sharing invitation, or directly from the calendar. Directly adding another person's calendar to your own is only possible with work or school accounts.

Note: To do this using a personal account, ask the person who you want to share calendars with to share their calendar following the steps in the section above, Share an Outlook calendar with others.

  1. From the navigation pane, select Calendar.

  2. Click Add calendar.

  3. Click Add from directory and select the user whose calendar you would like to add.

Note: You can add any team member's calendar and see their default calendar sharing details (for most organizations, usually free/busy sharing).

The following video demonstrates how to add a shared Outlook calendar.

Publish a calendar in new Outlook for Windows

You can publish a calendar and then share the link with others to let them view the calendar online. Use an HTML link if you want recipients to view the calendar in a browser, or an ICS link if you want them to subscribe to your calendar.

  1. From the navigation pane, select Calendar.

  2. From the ribbon, select the View tab Calendar settings > Calendar > Shared calendars.

  3. Under the section Publish a calendar, select the calendar you want to publish from the dropdown and select the permissions you want to grant.

  4. Click Publish. HTML and ICS links will appear below.

  5. Copy the HTML or ICS links for how you want to share the calendar. Copy the HTML link if you want recipients to view the calendar in a browser, or copy the ICS link if you want them to subscribe.

    Select Unpublish to unpublish the calendar.

Import events from an .ics file in new Outlook for Windows

An .ics file is generated when exporting calendar events from email platforms such as Google. Importing events from an .ics file is only supported for Microsoft 365 Exchange accounts.

  1. From the navigation pane, select Calendar.

  2. Click Add calendar.

  3. Click Upload from file, then Browse.

  4. Navigate to the path containing the .ics file and click Open.

  5. Click Select a calendar and choose the calendar location

  6. Click Import.

View shared calendars in new Outlook for Windows

Shared/delegate calendars are not visible by default in the new Outlook. To view shared calendars,

  1. Click Show all in the calendar list

  2. View shared calendars under People's calendars . Then, select the calendar you are interested in

  3. Select Split view in the ribbon to view multiple calendars side by side.

We plan to automatically select the same calendars and view, including shared calendars, when users switch to the new Outlook.

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