While we continue to research the specific reason for the error you received, please try one of the solutions in this topic.
If these solutions don’t work for you, please use the Contact us button at the bottom of this topic to contact support, and leave us a comment telling us more about the error your received.
Restart your computer and install Office again
Restart your computer.
Reinstall Microsoft 365.
To reinstall Office, select the version you want to install and follow those steps.
Note: Office needs to be installed on the same hard drive where Windows is installed. How much space does it need?
Uninstall and reinstall Office
Use the uninstall troubleshooter to uninstall Microsoft 365, Office 2021, Office 2019, or Office 2016 from your Windows PC.
Select the button below to start the uninstall troubleshooter.
Click Open if you get a pop-up window indicating This site is trying to open Get Help.
Follow the prompts on the remaining screens and when prompted, restart your computer.
Select the steps for the version of Office you want to install or reinstall.
Microsoft 365 | Office 2024 | Office 2021 | Office 2019 | Office 2016
The uninstall troubleshooter currently can't uninstall Office 2024.
Run the troubleshooter on the same Windows PC with the Microsoft 365 or Office product you want to uninstall.
You need to be on Windows 10 or higher to run the troubleshooter.
Tip: If the Microsoft 365 uninstall troubleshooter doesn't completely uninstall Microsoft 365 or Office from your PC, you can try to manually uninstall Office.
Use the offline installer to install Office
The Microsoft 365 offline installer may help bypass potential proxy, firewall, antivirus, or Internet connection issues that might occur during an Microsoft 365 installation.
For steps to install an offline version of Microsoft 365, see Use the Office offline installer and select the correct tab for your version of Office.
Leave us a comment
Please let us know at the bottom of this topic if these steps were helpful by selecting Yes or No. If they were helpful, tell us which option fixed your problem. If they weren't helpful, and you're still having trouble installing Microsoft 365, tell us what error message you received, and if you can, where in the install process the error occurred. We'll use your feedback to help fix this issue.