PowerPoint for Android tablet is so similar to the PowerPoint you already know. But there are some slight differences when using an Android tablet. This video will show you a handful of tips to get up and running.
Key points in this video
To start typing, double tap a text box.
After typing something, tap your tablet's Back button, which could look like this:
or this: depending on your tablet. -
To put your cursor in an exact spot, double tap a text box, tap anywhere in the text, and then tap and drag this:
to the exact spot. -
To copy and paste, tap something, and then tap the Edit menu button:
To start the slide show, tap Slide Show, and then tap From Beginning. Swipe from right to left to go forward. Swipe left to right to go backward.
To end the show, swipe down in the middle of the slide. Then tap, End Show.
Video transcript
[Introduction music]
Let’s go over some basics to get you started with PowerPoint for Android tablet.
I double tap to start typing in a text box, and then double tap again to type inside the next box.
When I’m done typing, I tap my tablet’s Back button to hide the keyboard. My Back button looks like this…but yours might look something like this, depending on your tablet.
Here are a couple of more tips for getting around and selecting things.
When I need to put my cursor in an exact spot within the text, I double tap the text box, tap and hold the cursor, and then drag it to where I need it.
To select just one word, I double tap the text box, and then double tap again.
When I need to select more words, I can tap and drag the selection handles.
The keyboard does take up some space. So if I want, I can hide the tabs at the top to give me more room.
And I can always bring them back.
The Edit menu is where the Cut, Copy and Paste buttons are.
Keep in mind that you can also use it for whole slides.
In fact, I’ll use it now to copy and paste this slide.
So I’ve got the hang of typing and editing, now I want to insert stuff. I can do that on the Insert tab.
You’ll see many of your favorite buttons here, including Shapes.
Here’s a tip for working with shapes:
After inserting one, tap somewhere else to deselect it, then zoom in close.
Tap to select it, drag it into place, then change it even more.
When I’m done, I zoom out, and then tap away to deselect the shape and see my work.
Now let’s go over Slide Show view. To start it, I’ll go to the Slide Show tab and then tap, From Beginning.
I swipe forward through the slides, just like I would if I were turning pages in a book.
I can tap and hold to get a laser pointer.
And swipe down to see other tools.
Now I can draw on the screen, and tap here to end the show.
For more information on Office for Android tablet, go to aka.ms/OfficeAndroidTabletVideos