How to spot a "fake order" scam - Microsoft Support
Always check the sender's email address and confirm that it makes sense for the message you've received. 2. To whom it may concern. If they don't know your name, they can't withdraw any funds from your bank account.
How to get and use app passwords - Microsoft Support
After you turn on two-step verification or set up the Authenticator app, you may run into issues if you use older devices (like Xbox 360 or a mail-sending security camera) that don't support two-step verification.. For those devices, you can sign in with an app password instead. An app password is a long, randomly generated password that you provide only once instead of your regular password ...
Register the password reset verification method for a work or school ...
Set up your password reset verification method. Open the web browser on your device and go to the Security info page. Security info Depending on how your administrator has set up your organization, one or more of the following options will be available for you to set up as your security verification method.
Windows privacy settings that apps use - Microsoft Support
Windows provides a wealth of data access to make apps useful and valuable to you. These capabilities, which are security constructs that gate access to personal data, include things like Calendar, Contacts, Call history, and more.
Cómo iniciar sesión en Hotmail - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Para obtener soporte técnico en, haga clic aquí o seleccione Ayuda en la barra de menús y escriba la consulta. Si la autoayuda no resuelve el problema, desplácese hacia abajo hasta ¿Necesita más ayuda? y seleccione Sí.. Para ponerse en contacto con nosotros en, deberá iniciar sesión.
Applies To:
Overview of Microsoft Teams Premium
Microsoft Teams Premium is a new offering that builds on the current Teams experience with additional features that help make Teams meetings more personalized, intelligent, and protected.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
在 Web 上使用 Microsoft Teams - Microsoft 支持
在 查找 Web 上的 Teams。. 若要使用 Teams,需要一个具有商业或企业 Microsoft 365 许可证计划的 Microsoft 365 帐户。 有关详细信息,请参阅如何访问 Microsoft Teams。. 有关 Web 上 Teams 支持的浏览器的信息,可以查看最新的浏览器先决条件。
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
Windows セキュリティ アプリのデバイス セキュリティ - Microsoft サポート
ハイパーバイザーで保護されたコード整合性 (HVCI) とも呼ばれるメモリ整合性は、悪意のあるプログラムが低レベルのドライバーを使用して PC を乗っ取りにくくする Windows セキュリティ機能です。
使用 Windows 激活疑难解答 - Microsoft 支持
激活有助于验证你的 Windows 副本是否为正版,且未在超过 Microsoft 软件许可条款所允许数量的设备上使用。 如果无法激活Windows 11,激活疑难解答可能会有所帮助。
Turn Bing SafeSearch on or off - Microsoft Support
SafeSearch is a Bing setting that filters out inappropriate web content. To change it: Open a browser and go to Select the icon in the upper right of the window. Select Settings , and then select More.. Choose your SafeSearch preference: Strict, Moderate, or Off.Select Save at the bottom of the menu.