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Hardware warranty, services, and repair
All Microsoft devices and accessories come with a Standard Limited Warranty. Microsoft Complete provides extended hardware and accidental damage coverage. After purchase, you’ll also receive unlimited technical support from Microsoft. Available in select markets only.
Firmware, drivers, and software for Microsoft LifeCam cameras
Firmware, drivers, and software for Microsoft LifeCam cameras. Microsoft accessories. Additional software, firmware, or drivers are no longer available because Windows 10/11 has all the necessary software to support Microsoft LifeCam cameras. Describes firmware, drivers, and software for your LifeCam camera.
Firmware, drivers, and software for Microsoft LifeCam cameras
Microsoft accessories. Additional software, firmware, or drivers are no longer available because Windows 10/11 has all the necessary software to support Microsoft LifeCam cameras. Describes firmware, drivers, and software for your LifeCam camera.
How to use 3D Scan for Windows - Microsoft Support
3D Scan lets you scan objects or even yourself in real-time and in colors. Then you can import that scan into 3D Builder to edit, decorate and send it to the printers. How to use 3D Builder for Windows. Information about 3D Scan for Windows 10.
Download von Maus- und Tastatur-Center - Microsoft-Support
Das Microsoft Maus- und Tastatur-Center ist eine App, die Ihnen hilft, Ihre Microsoft-Tastatur und -Maus optimal zu nutzen. Mit dem Maus-und Tastatur Center können Sie personalisieren anpassen, wie Sie auf Ihrem PC arbeiten. Diese App ist nicht für Windows S Modus verfügbar.
Firmware, Treibern und Software für Microsoft LifeCam-Kameras
Firmware, Treibern und Software für Microsoft LifeCam-Kameras. Microsoft accessories. Zusätzliche Software, Firmware oder Treiber sind nicht mehr verfügbar, da Windows 10/11 über die erforderliche Software zur Unterstützung von Microsoft LifeCam-Kameras verfügt. RSS-FEEDS ABONNIEREN.
Baixar firmware, drivers e software para câmeras Microsoft LifeCam
Baixar firmware, drivers e software para câmeras Microsoft LifeCam. Software, firmware ou drivers adicionais não estão mais disponíveis porque o Windows 10/11 tem todo o software necessário para dar suporte a câmeras do Microsoft LifeCam. Essas informações foram úteis?
Microsoft LifeCam カメラ用のファームウェア、ドライバー、およびソフトウェア
Microsoft LifeCam カメラ用のファームウェア、ドライバー、およびソフトウェア. Microsoft accessories. Windows 10/11 には Microsoft LifeCam カメラをサポートするために必要なすべてのソフトウェアが用意されているため、追加のソフトウェア、ファームウェア、または ...
Microprogrammes, des pilotes et des logiciels pour les caméras ...
Les logiciels, microprogrammes ou pilotes supplémentaires ne sont plus disponibles, car Windows 10/11 dispose de tous les logiciels nécessaires à la prise en charge des caméras Microsoft LifeCam.