Automate notetaking in Microsoft Teams meetings
Add AI-generated notes during a meeting. Select Notes from the meeting controls.. Select .. Turn on the toggle next to AI-generated notes.. The Notes icon in meeting controls will change to , indicating that AI-generated notes are on. AI-generated notes will not appear immediately, but will start a few minutes later based on the discussion captured in the transcript.
如何在 Windows 中执行干净启动 - Microsoft 支持
"干净启动"通过启动最少的驱动程序和启动程序集来启动 Windows,以便确定后台程序是否干扰游戏或程序。 这类似于 在安全模式下启动 Windows ,但让你可以更好地控制启动时运行的服务和程序,以帮助你找出问题的原因。
Surface 打开并显示“找不到可启动的的操作系统” - Microsoft 支持
找不到可启动的操作系统。 检查启动配置以尝试修复此问题。 在较旧的设备上,Surface 会打开并显示一个驱动器图标,右上角有一个 X。 打开 Surface 时,它将启动到 UEFI (统一可扩展固件接口) 。 如果看到此情况,请尝试以下步骤,寻找可能的解决方案。
Mobility disabilities – accessibility and features | Xbox Support
Game accessibility features: Within the Xbox Store as well as the website, you can find game publishers who have elected to meet specific criteria to have some or all of their games tagged.These tags indicate that the game supports one or more of 20 common accessibility features, including several that may be helpful to those with fine motor disabilities.
Error 0x803f8007 occurs when you try to start an Xbox game or game add ...
If the order status is Canceled or Refunded, you no longer own the game or game add-on, and you won’t be able to start or play it.You can re-purchase the content if you still want to own it. If you don’t see the game or game add-on in your order history, search for it in Microsoft Store.
如何使用 Xbox 控制器助手 | Xbox Support
你是否曾想过帮助可能只是再需要一点点帮助的朋友或爱人完成游戏或主机体验? Xbox 控制器助手(以前称为 Xbox Copilot)可链接两个控制器,以便你和另一个玩家可以像使用单个控制器一样使用它们。
Sharing your Xbox Game Pass subscription
Find out how to use your Xbox Game Pass membership to share the benefits with your friends on any Xbox console.
客戶服務電話號碼 - Microsoft 支援服務
家庭使用者 如果您需要下載、安裝或啟用 Windows 或 Office 的說明、需要技術支援或擁有任何帳戶 & 帳單相關問題,請選取下方的 [取得協助] 按鈕。請描述您的問題,我們會提供自助協助,或是將您連線到最適當的支持服務,其中可能包括聊天或要求通話,我們會打電話給您,讓您不必等候。
电脑上的 2024 Xbox 应用更新 | Xbox Support
如果在电脑上或启动电脑游戏时遇到任何 Xbox 应用问题,请转到: 修复适用于 Windows 的 Xbox 应用的游戏问题 检查更新的“Bug 修复”部分,查看你遇到的问题最近是否已解决。
啟用電腦遊戲模組 | Xbox Support