Link your social network accounts to Xbox | Xbox Support
Stay connected to friends across your social networks while gaming on a Windows device. Link your favorites such as Discord, Reddit, Steam, Twitch, and more.
Use @mentions to get someone's attention in Microsoft Teams
To get someone's attention in a channel conversation or a chat, @mention them. Just type @ before their name and then select them from the menu that appears.. When an @mention recipient receives a notification, selecting it takes them directly to the point in the conversation where they were mentioned.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
Microsoft 帐户安全信息和验证码 - Microsoft 支持
添加新的登录方式. 若要添加验证登录的新方法,请: 登录到 Microsoft 帐户的 “高级安全选项 ”页。 登录. 选择“添加新的登录方式或验证”,然后选择接收安全代码的方式。
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
在 Microsoft Teams 中加入会议 - Microsoft 支持
通过链接加入. 在会议邀请中,选择“ 立即加入会议”,以加入 Teams 网页版或桌面版。 如果你已拥有 Teams 应用,会议将自动打开。 如果你没有 Teams 帐户,并且组织者已允许它,则可以输入姓名以加入会议。 如果你有 Teams 帐户,请选择“ 登录 ”以通过访问会议聊天等权限加入。
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
Reproducir, compartir y descargar una grabación de reunión en Microsoft ...
Compartir un vínculo a la grabación de una reunión con otras personas. Si ha organizado la reunión, puede compartir la grabación con personas que no están invitadas a la reunión si la comparte como lo haría con cualquier otro archivo.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams