Copilot for Social Apps - Microsoft Support
You can communicate with Copilot on Telegram in several ways: Scan the QR code below using your mobile device's camera: Use this [ shortlink ] to start chatting with Copilot instantly on Telegram.
Change a site's title, description, logo, and site information settings ...
Note: In the following example, we're showing how to make changes to a team site using admin permissions.If you don't see Change the look, you might not have permissions to customize the SharePoint site name and description.Contact the site owner either to get permissions to make the changes yourself or to have the changes made for you. For more information, see Managing site permissions.
Applies To: SharePoint Server Subscription Edition, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2016, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 admin, SharePoint admin center
管理 Xbox 在线安全和隐私设置 | Xbox Support
了解如何为你和每个家庭组成员管理 Xbox 主机上的在线安全和隐私设置。
Set up groups and teams - Microsoft Support
When you're done adding members, select Add and then Close.. Create a channel. By default, every team gets a General channel, which is a good channel to use for announcements and information the whole team needs. To add more: Select More options next to the team name.. Select Add channel.. Enter a name and description for your channel.
Link your social network accounts to Xbox | Xbox Support
Stay connected to friends across your social networks while gaming on a Windows device. Link your favorites such as Discord, Reddit, Steam, Twitch, and more.
Standard, private, or shared channels in Microsoft Teams
Learn about channels in Microsoft Teams. Standard channels are available to all team members in Teams. Most channels are standard channels. If you need a smaller, specific audience for a particular subject, you can use a private channel. Shared channels are for collaborating with people inside and outside your team or organization.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
在 Microsoft Teams 中更改频道中的审阅者角色和设置
团队所有者可以为频道设置审核角色来控制这一点。 所有者还可以将团队成员添加为审阅者。 如果要创建公告频道或专用于特定主题的频道,则建立审查员会很有帮助。 审查者可以: 发布到频道,并响应和回复频道中的帖子. 添加和删除团队成员作为审阅者
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
修复麦克风问题 - Microsoft 支持
在 Microsoft Teams 中自定义频道通知 - Microsoft 支持
频道通知可帮助你随时了解频道中正在进行的项目和活动。 若要调整或微调从频道或特定帖子收到的通知,请更新通知设置。 . 更新通道通知选项. 在通道名称旁边,选择“ 更多选项 > 频道通知 。 选择要接收的位置、频率和通知。 选项包括:
Applies To: Microsoft Teams
了解 Microsoft Teams 中的新频道体验 - Microsoft 支持
频道是在 Teams 中协作的最佳位置,我们引入了一些更改,使你和你的团队成员更容易协同工作。 新的频道体验提供了一种有条理的透明方式来共享内容和进行引人入胜的对话。 翻转频道帖子的顺序. 现在,你可以将最近的活动显示在帖子列表的顶部 (或底部) 。
Applies To: Microsoft Teams