Check your Xbox purchase history
I found a charge in my purchase history or someone else’s history, but I didn’t authorize the purchase
Xbox | Xbox Support
了解如何为 Xbox 设备获取服务。 如果已注册了设备,请登录到设备服务页,以查看该设备的保修状态。
使 Microsoft | Xbox Support
如果您嘗試使用您的 Microsoft 帳戶餘額購買遊戲或附加內容,您的帳戶中可能沒有足夠的資金可支付商品的總額。
- Microsoft
家庭用户 如果需要有关下载、安装或激活 Windows 或 Office 的帮助、需要技术支持或拥有任何帐户 & 计费相关问题,请选择下面的“获取帮助”按钮。描述你的问题,我们将提供自助服务或将你连接到最合适的支持,其中可能包括聊天或请求呼叫 - 我们将呼叫你,因此你不必等待。
Get started with SharePoint agents - Microsoft Support
Share your agent with others. Find the agent you want to share from the agent list. Select the ellipsis and then select Share.. You can then use the Copy Link option to grab a link to the file. You can send the link to your colleagues as you do for sharing other files.
Applies To: Office for business, Microsoft Office
Xbox | Xbox Support
您可以在 Xbox 主機或 web 上檢視 Xbox 購買記錄。 使用以下步驟檢閲您的資訊或取得您不認識的費用之説明。
Xbox One XBOS3004
了解当你尝试兑换在 Xbox One 或 上购买的充值码时收到错误 XBOS3004 后该如何操作。
Featured Visio templates and diagrams - Microsoft Support
Visio is a diagraming tool that makes it easy and intuitive to create flowcharts, diagrams, org charts, floor plans, engineering designs, and more by using modern templates with the familiar Office experience. On this page, you can access some of the top templates and sample diagrams available in Visio, or request ones that you want. To see the hundreds of templates and sample diagrams ...
Applies To: Visio Plan 2, Visio in Microsoft 365, Visio Plan 1, Visio Professional 2024, Visio Professional 2021, Visio Professional 2019, Visio Professional 2016
Xbox One Xbox Series X|S
查找有关在 Xbox 主机上购买和使用数字版游戏的常见问题的解答。
Xbox | Xbox Support
Xbox 退款、数字产品退款、订阅退款、取消购买