Hyper-V integration components for Windows virtual machines that are ...
Provides an update that adds Hyper-V integration components to Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2008.
Hyper-V integration components update for Windows virtual machines that ...
Hyper-V integration components update for Windows virtual machines that are running on a Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016-based host. This article describes an update that adds Microsoft Hyper-V integration components (integration services) to Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows 7. Before you install this update, see the Prerequisites section.
Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed
First, you'll need to download the troubleshooter. Download troubleshooter. If you see the File Download box when you start downloading, select Run or Open. The troubleshooter provides steps for you to follow. If a program isn't listed in the uninstall options, you'll be asked for that program's product code.
Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 update history
Windows Update customers were recently affected by a network infrastructure event on January 29, 2019 (21:00 UTC), caused by an external DNS service provider’s global outage. A software update to the external provider’s DNS servers resulted in the distribution of corrupted DNS records that affected connectivity to the Windows Update service.
Компоненти за интегриране на Hyper-V актуализация за Windows виртуални ...
Тази статия се описва актуализация, която добавя Microsoft Hyper-V компоненти за интеграция (интеграция услуги) към Windows 8,1, Windows 8 или Windows 7. Преди да инсталирате тази актуализация, вижте раздела предпоставки .
Aktualizace součástí integrace technologie Hyper-V pro virtuální ...
Důležité Nainstalujete-li jazykovou sadu po instalaci této aktualizace, je třeba tuto aktualizaci přeinstalovat. Proto doporučujeme před instalací této aktualizace nainstalovat všechny jazykové sady, které potřebujete. Další informace naleznete v tématu přidání jazykových sad do systému Windows.
คอมโพเนนต์รวม Hyper-V เครื่องเสมือน Windows ที่กำลังทำงานอยู่บนโฮสต์การ ...
บทความนี้อธิบายการปรับปรุงที่เพิ่มคอมโพเนนต์การรวม Microsoft Hyper-V (บริการการรวม) การ Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2 ของ Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 หรือ Windows Server 2008 ก่อนที่คุณติดตั้งโปรแกรมปรับปรุงนี้ ดูส่วนของ ข้อกำหนดเบื้องต้น. เกี่ยวกับการปรับปรุงนี้. วิธีการขอรับโปรแกรมปรับปรุงนี้.
Komponen integrasi Hyper-V pemutakhiran untuk Windows mesin virtual ...
Artikel ini menjelaskan pemutakhiran yang menambahkan komponen integrasi Microsoft Hyper-V (integrasi layanan) ke Windows 8,1, Windows 8, atau Windows 7. Sebelum Anda menginstal pembaruan ini, lihat bagian prasyarat .
How can I prevent users from connecting to a USB storage device?
To assign a user or group Deny permissions to the Usbstor.pnf and Usbstor.inf files, follow these steps: Start Windows Explorer, and then locate the %SystemRoot%\Inf folder. Right-click the Usbstor.pnf file, and then click Properties .
Komponenty integrace technologie Hyper-V pro systém Windows virtuálních ...
Tento článek popisuje aktualizaci, která přidá součásti Microsoft Hyper-V integration (integrace services) pro Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 nebo Windows Server 2008. Před instalací této aktualizace, naleznete v části požadavky .