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The Routing and Remote Access service does not start in Windows 7 or in ...
Symptoms. On a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2, the Routing and Remote Access service (RRAS) does not start when there is no network connectivity.
MS15-007: Beveiligingsprobleem in Network Policy Server RADIUS ...
Samenvatting. Met deze beveiligingsupdate wordt een privé gemeld beveiligingslek in Windows opgelost. Het beveiligingslek kan leiden tot denial-of-service op Internet Authentication Service (IAS) of Network Policy Server (NPS) als een aanvaller speciaal ontworpen gebruikersnaam tekenreeksen naar de IAS- of NPS verzendt.
El servicio de autenticación de Internet tarda mucho tiempo en ...
Síntomas. Cuando un usuario intenta conectarse a la red mediante una conexión inalámbrica y cuando la solicitud de conexión de ese usuario está autenticada y autorizada por Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Internet Authentication Service (IAS), puede experimentar todo lo siguiente Síntomas:
MS15-007: Säkerhetsproblem i Network Policy Server RADIUS ...
Sammanfattning. Den här säkerhetsuppdateringen löser ett rapporterat säkerhetsproblem i Windows. Säkerhetsproblemet kan möjliggöra DOS-attack på Internet Authentication Service (IAS) eller nätverksprincipservern (NPS) om en angripare skickar särskilt utformad användarnamn strängar till IAS eller NPS.
NPS servers in Windows Server 2008 systems cannot import configuration ...
Symptoms. Consider the following scenario: You export some Internet Authentication Service (IAS) configuration settings from a computer that is running Windows Server 2003 to a file.
MS15-007: Vulnerability in Network Policy Server RADIUS implementation ...
Summary. This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Windows. The vulnerability could allow denial of service on Internet Authentication Service (IAS) or Network Policy Server (NPS) if an attacker sends specially crafted username strings to IAS or NPS.
Der Internetauthentifizierungsdienst benötigt eine lange Zeit, um eine ...
Problembeschreibung. Wenn ein Benutzer versucht, eine Verbindung mit ihrem Netzwerk über eine drahtlose Verbindung herzustellen, und wenn die Verbindungsanforderung dieses Benutzers von Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Internet Authentication Service (IAS) authentifiziert und autorisiert wird, können alle folgenden Symptome:
Internet Authentication Service takes a long time to authenticate a ...
Fixes a problem that occurs if a wireless access point sends state information to IAS during a connection attempt. Provides a hotfix to resolve the problem.
Serviciu de autentificare Internet durează mult timp pentru a ...
Simptome. Când un utilizator încearcă să se conecteze la rețea utilizând o conexiune fără fir și solicitarea de conectare utilizator care este autentificat şi autorizat de Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Internet Authentication Service (IAS), pot apărea următoarele simptome:
MS15-007: Vulnerabilidade na implementação do Network Policy Server ...
Sumário. Esta atualização de segurança elimina uma vulnerabilidade relatada em particular no Windows. A vulnerabilidade pode permitir a negação de serviço no Internet Authentication Service (IAS) ou Network Policy Server (NPS) se um invasor enviar cadeias de nome de usuário especialmente criadas para o IAS ou NPS.