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JavaScriptin käyttöönotto - Microsoft-tuki
Valitse Salli JavaScript-valintaruutu. Valitse Sulje ja päivitä selain. Jos näyttöön tulee virhesanoma, jossa sanotaan, että tämä sivusto edellyttää komentosarjojen käyttöä, mitä selaimesi ei tällä hetkellä salli, poista selainvälimuisti historian evästeiden ja muiden verkkosivustojen tietojen poistamiseksi.
Applies To: Office 2013, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Office for business, Lync Web App for Lync Online, Lync Web App, Office 2010, Lync Web App operated by 21Vianet
Enable JavaScript - Microsoft Support
Scroll to the JavaScript section and click Allow all sites to run JavaScript (recommended). Close the Options tab and refresh the browser. Need more help? Want more options? Discover Community. Explore subscription benefits, browse training courses, learn how to secure your device, and more.
Applies To: Office 2013, SharePoint in Microsoft 365, Office for business, Lync Web App for Lync Online, Lync Web App, Office 2010, Lync Web App operated by 21Vianet
Updates for the Windows Library for JavaScript - Microsoft Support
The Windows Library for JavaScript is installed on your computer when you install or update a Windows 8 app that depends on it. Information for developers. If you develop and debug apps that depend on the Windows Library for JavaScript, download the latest version of the Visual Studio Extensions for the Windows Library for JavaScript.
Cómo habilitar JavaScript en Windows - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Para habilitar JavaScript en Google Chrome, revise y siga las instrucciones proporcionadas en Habilitar JavaScript en el explorador para ver anuncios en su sitio. Firefox de Mozilla Corporation. Para habilitar JavaScript en Firefox, revise y siga las instrucciones proporcionadas en Configuración de JavaScript para páginas web interactivas.
Updates for version 2.0 of Windows Library for JavaScript in Windows 8. ...
The Windows Library for JavaScript is installed on your computer when you install or update a Windows 8.1 app that depends on it. Information for developers. If you develop and debug apps that depend on the Windows Library for JavaScript, download the latest version of the Visual Studio Extensions for the Windows Library for JavaScript.
Увімкнення JavaScript у Windows - Підтримка від Microsoft
Якщо JavaScript вимкнуто в браузері, вміст або функціональні можливості веб-сторінки можуть бути обмеженими або недоступними. У цій статті описано кроки з ввімкнення JavaScript у браузерах.
Cara mengaktifkan JavaScript di Windows - Dukungan Microsoft
Untuk mengaktifkan JavaScript di Google Chrome, silakan tinjau dan ikuti instruksi yang disediakan di Aktifkan JavaScript di browser Anda untuk melihat iklan di situs Anda. Firefox Mozilla Corporation. Untuk mengaktifkan JavaScript di Firefox, silakan tinjau dan ikuti instruksi yang disediakan di pengaturan JavaScript untuk halaman web interaktif.
How to enable JavaScript in Windows - Microsoft Support
Many Internet Web sites contain JavaScript, a scripting programming language that runs on the web browser to make specific features on the web page functional. If JavaScript has been disabled within your browser, the content or the functionality of the web page can be limited or unavailable.
Povolenie jazyka JavaScript vo Windowse - Podpora spoločnosti Microsoft
Mnohé internetové webové lokality obsahujú JavaScript, skriptovací programovací jazyk, ktorý sa spúšťa vo webovom prehliadači, aby boli konkrétne funkcie na webovej stránke funkčné. Ak bol JavaScript v prehliadači zakázaný, obsah alebo funkčnosť webovej stránky môžu byť obmedzené alebo nedostupné.
Procédure d’activation de JavaScript dans Windows
De nombreux sites Web Internet utilisent JavaScript, un langage de programmation en script qui s’exécute sur le navigateur Web pour rendre opérationnelles des fonctionnalités spécifiques sur la page Web. Si JavaScript a été désactivé dans votre navigateur, la fonctionnalité ou le contenu des pages Web peut être limité ou non ...