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Update Rollup 2 for System Center Operations Manager 2019 (KB4558752)
Select Start, and then select Control Panel. In Control Panel, double-click Windows Update. In the Windows Update window, select Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Select Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package, and then select OK.
Update Rollup 5 for System Center 2019 Operations Manager
To obtain and install from Microsoft Update, follow these steps on a computer that has an Operations Manager component installed: Select Start, and then select Control Panel. In Control Panel, double-click Windows Update. In the Windows Update window, select Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Select Important updates are available.
Update rollup packages for System Center 2012 Operations Manager
The management pack for UNIX and Linux Operating Systems was upgraded to version 7.4.4337.0 and can be obtained here. Update Rollup 6 for System Center 2012. This update rollup was released on October 8, 2013, but did not contain any updates for System Center 2012 Operations Manager.
Kumulativní aktualizace 9 pro System Center 2016 Virtual Machine ...
Tento článek popisuje problémy opravené ve službě System Center Virtual. Verze Machine Manageru 2016 UR9 Existují dvě aktualizace, které jsou k dispozici pro Virtual Machine Manager, jeden pro Virtual Machine Manager server a jeden pro konzolu pro správu (x86 a amd64). Tento článek obsahuje také pokyny k instalaci této aktualizace.
Update Rollup 12 for System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager
Microsoft Update. To obtain and install an update package from Microsoft Update, follow these steps on a computer that has an Operations Manager component installed: Click Start, and then click Control Panel. In Control Panel, double-click Windows Update. In the Windows Update window, click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update.
Update Rollup 5 for System Center 2016 Operations Manager
Select Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package, and then select Ok. Select Install updates to install the update package. If your computer is running Windows Server 2016 or later, follow these steps: Select Start, and then select Settings. In Settings, select Updates & Security.
Update Rollup 2 for System Center 2016 Operations Manager
Click Start, and then click Settings. In Settings, click Updates & Security. On the Windows Update tab, click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Click Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package, and then click OK. Click Install updates to install the update package.
Update Rollup 14 for System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager
Click Start, and then click Control Panel. In Control Panel, double-click Windows Update. In the Windows Update window, click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Click Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package, and then click OK. Click Install updates to install the update package.
Update Rollup 2 for System Center Service Manager 2019 (KB4558753)
Self Service Portal Server. All Analyst Consoles. Download the update to a target folder. Note: This update contains both the x86-based and x64-based versions. Download the appropriate version for your system. Open the target folder, and then right-click the downloaded file from step 2. Select Run as administrator.
Update Rollup 1 for System Center 2016 Operations Manager
In the Windows Update window, click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update. Click Important updates are available. Select the update rollup package and then click OK. Click Install updates to install the update package. If your computer is running Windows Server 2016 or later, follow these steps: Click Start and then click Settings.