"Sorry, something's wrong with your Microsoft account" error occurs ...
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Cloud gaming with Xbox | Xbox Support
Manage your Xbox subscription Game Pass Ultimate or a supported free to play game is required for cloud gaming. See what else you can do to get the most out of your subscription.
Request a refund for digital games | Xbox Support
Refunds are typically issued for requests meeting the following criteria: Requests are made within 14 days of the purchase date; Requests are for games in which you haven’t accumulated a significant amount of play time
Xbox Support
Xbox Support offers help for Xbox, Game Pass, and billing questions. Get advice and customer service in the Xbox Support community.
Xbox Insider Hub-App abrufen | Xbox Support
Erfahren Sie alles über die Xbox Insider Hub-App, um die Vorschau von Spielen, Apps, Systemupdates und neuen Funktionen zu nutzen.
Enforcement strike system FAQ | Xbox Support
Find answers to some of your questions about the Xbox enforcement strike system.
Resetowanie lub odzyskiwanie utraconego hasła do konta Microsoft
Przejdź na stronę Zresetuj hasło i wprowadź swój adres e-mail.; Poinformuj nas, gdzie ma być wysłany przez nas kod zabezpieczający (na pocztę e-mail lub numer telefonu). Gdy odbierzesz kod zabezpieczający, zostanie wyświetlony monit o wybranie nowego hasła i dwukrotne wprowadzenie go.