Analyze Data in Excel - Microsoft Support
Analyze Data in Excel empowers you to understand your data through high-level visual summaries, trends, and patterns. Simply click a cell in a data range, and then click the Analyze Data button on the Home tab. Analyze Data in Excel will analyze your data, and return interesting visuals about it in a task pane.
Applies To:
Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web
Mantente protegido con Seguridad de Windows
Windows 10 u 11 en modo S. Algunas características serán un poco diferentes si ejecutas Windows 10 u 11 en modo S. Dado que este modo está optimizado para conseguir mayor seguridad, el área Protección contra virus y amenazas dispone de menos opciones.
Activer Windows - Support Microsoft
Si vous installez Windows sur un nouvel appareil ou une carte mère pour la première fois et que vous n’avez pas de clé de produit, sélectionnez Je n’ai pas de clé de produit pendant les écrans d’installation. À l’invite, entrez le compte Microsoft à utiliser pour acheter une licence numérique pour cet appareil.
De app Pc-statuscontrole gebruiken - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Opmerking: Als er een compatibiliteitsprobleem op uw apparaat is vastgesteld dat uw ervaring met het gebruik van Windows 11 zou verstoren, stellen we uw upgrade tijdelijk uit totdat het probleem is opgelost.Compatibiliteitsbeveiliging zorgt ervoor dat u de best mogelijke ervaring hebt bij het upgraden en dat uw productiviteit niet wordt verstoord als kritieke apps of stuurprogramma's nog niet ...
Remotely install and manage games | Xbox Support
Use the Xbox app on mobile,, or the Microsoft Store on PC to remotely install games to your console or PC—so your games are ready when you are.
Restrict data input by using validation rules - Microsoft Support
3. Validation on a form You can use the Validation Rule property of a control on a form to specify a criterion that all values input to that control must meet. The Validation Rule control property works like a field validation rule. Typically, you use a form validation rule instead of a field validation rule if the rule was specific only to that form and not to the table no matter where it was ...
Applies To:
Access for Microsoft 365, Access 2024, Access 2021, Access 2019, Access 2016
Create a form in Access - Microsoft Support
Create a split form in Access. A split form gives you two views of the data at the same time — a Form view and a Datasheet view. Working with split forms gives you the benefits of both types of forms in a single form.
Applies To:
Access for Microsoft 365, Access 2024, Access 2021, Access 2019, Access 2016
你的电脑上安装的是哪个版本的 DirectX? - Microsoft 支持
DirectX 是 Windows 中的一组组件,允许软件(主要且尤其是游戏)直接与视频和音频硬件结合使用。 使用 DirectX 的游戏可以更有效地使用内置于硬件的多媒体加速器功能,从而改善你的整体多媒体体验。
将 Windows 家庭版升级到 Windows 专业版 - Microsoft 支持
了解如何从 Windows 10 家庭版升级到 Windows 10 专业版或从 Windows 11 家庭版升级到 Windows 11 专业版,包括如何使用有效产品密钥或 Microsoft Store。
阻止 Microsoft Edge 中的弹出窗口 - Microsoft 支持
弹出窗口阻止程序无法阻止哪些弹窗? 如果在启用此功能并且尝试了上面列出的解决方案后,网页中仍然显示了弹出窗口,则它们可能是网站广告,以弹出窗口的样子呈现。
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard