在 Windows 中更改屏幕亮度和颜色 - Microsoft 支持
某些电脑可能允许 Windows 根据当前照明条件自动调整屏幕亮度。 若要了解电脑是否支持此功能,请选择 “设置 > 系统 > 显示”。选择“亮度”,查找“照明更改时自动更改亮度检查”框,然后选择它以使用此功能。 此自动设置有助于确保你的屏幕随时随地可读。
你的电脑上安装的是哪个版本的 DirectX? - Microsoft 支持
DirectX 是 Windows 中的一组组件,允许软件(主要且尤其是游戏)直接与视频和音频硬件结合使用。 使用 DirectX 的游戏可以更有效地使用内置于硬件的多媒体加速器功能,从而改善你的整体多媒体体验。
Xbox 无线控制器快速入门指南 | Xbox Support
了解如何设置 Xbox 无线控制器。 用一只手握住倒置的控制器。 用另一只手的拇指按箭头符号上的电池门,并按箭头指示的 ...
Upgrade Windows Home to Windows Pro - Microsoft Support
Important: The following steps apply only to devices currently running an activated copy of Windows 11 Home.If you’re not activated, we recommend you activate Windows 11 Home first. For more info, see Activate Windows.
Fix Wi-Fi connection issues in Windows - Microsoft Support
If you can’t connect to a Wi-Fi network that you could connect to before, it’s possible that the network settings might have changed or the profile is corrupted. To fix this, remove (or "forget") the network connection, then reconnect to the network. When you forget a network connection, it removes the Wi-Fi network profile from your PC. ...
欢迎使用 Windows 中的 Copilot - Microsoft 支持
在 Microsoft,我们遵循我们的 AI 原则、负责任的 AI 标准,以及数十年来在 AI、基础和隐私保护机器学习方面的研究。 数据隐私和安全是负责任的 AI 的关键原则。 我们的目标是帮助客户负责任地使用 AI 产品,共享学习内容,并建立基于信任的合作关系。
Create a drop-down list - Microsoft Support
After you create your drop-down list, make sure it works the way you want. For example, you might want to check to see if Change the column width and row height to show all your entries.. If the list of entries for your drop-down list is on another worksheet and you want to prevent users from seeing it or making changes, consider hiding and protecting that worksheet.
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Excel for the web, Excel 2024, Excel 2024 for Mac, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2016
BitLocker overview - Microsoft Support
BitLocker is a Windows security feature that protects your data by encrypting your drives. This encryption ensures that if someone tries to access a disk offline, they won’t be able to read any of its content. BitLocker is particularly valuable if your device is lost or stolen, as it keeps your sensitive information secure.
重置忘记的 Microsoft 帐户密码 - Microsoft 支持
注意: 如果知道密码,但只想更改密码,请转到“account.microsoft.com 安全”选项卡,然后选择“更改我的密码”。. 如果知道用户名和密码但已停止工作,请阅读我的用户名和密码已停止工作。
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Create a flow chart with SmartArt - Microsoft Support
Change the colors of your flow chart. To quickly add a designer-quality look and polish to your SmartArt graphic, you can change the colors or apply a SmartArt Style to your flow chart.
Applies To: Excel for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, Excel 2024, PowerPoint 2024, Excel 2021, Word 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, PowerPoint 2016